Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Guest Poem: This is Sunset

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Patreon and other projects update

 Youtube is caught up, in the sense that my channel has gotten all of the Mystical Creatures poems (so far) recorded and uploaded.

Song of the Phoenix:

The Black Cat and the White Hare, AKA Rivals at the Witches' Circle:

I'll be dividing my time tomorrow, if all goes well and I am allowed to, between my testing job and working on the Selkies' Skins manuscript to finish the next installment of that story.

Want to help keep my writing funded? Drop however much you like to me via Paypal for a one time donation, or use Patreon to set up a small monthly donation. The donations help pay costs such as editing, but also help put food on the table. Rather make an offline tip? Write me for a mailing address. 
Donate Here via Paypal

Or you can become a monthly patron through Patreon!
Thank you for being part of the story behind the story.