Enneagram: A Complete Guide to Understanding Your Personality and Improving Your Relationship
Written by David Gain
Narrated by Teresa Garcia
I was very happy to be the voice for David Gain's "Enneagram: A Complete Guide to Understanding Your Personality and Improving Your Relationship" published by Stefano Maraschio.
I have been paid up front for my performance of this book. However, if you purchase the title through this link I will get an additional bonus if it happens to be your first purchase. Such things greatly help me provide for my family.
This is not a THG StarDragon Publishing title, but it is a title that I was involved in as a freelance narrator. I do recommend it either in book or audiobook. I found it to be an excellent refresher.
Bounty URLs
Amazon UK: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B081MTTPHP/?source_code=AUKFrDlWS02231890H7-BK-ACX0-173003&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_173003_pd_uk
Amazon FR: https://www.audible.fr/pd/B081MT563Y/?source_code=FRAORWS022318903C-BK-ACX0-173003&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_173003_pd_fr
Amazon DE: https://www.audible.de/pd/B081N12B9M/?source_code=EKAORWS022318900A-BK-ACX0-173003&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_173003_pd_de
Regular Links
iTunes: https://books.apple.com/us/audiobook/enneagram-complete-guide-to-understanding-your-personality/id1489965159
Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Enneagram-Audiobook/B081MJGJRY
These three links are for US markets. I cannot link to all markets so be looking in your country's offerings on Amazon, iTunes, and Audible today!