Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Friday, December 18, 2020

Impending server maintenance

 Regarding from the site owner/maintainer:

The site will be down sometime in the near future while the server goes through maintenance, any lost stamina/magic will be replaced once we're back up.

My publishing site, is also hosted on the same server and will also go down for maintenance when Obsidian/Rowan works on the common server.

The publishing blog will be unaffected for the most part as it is with a different host, although some of the links on the sidebar leading to the main site will be temporarily down during that maintenance. I do not know yet when exactly it will be done.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Dragonhearts Dragonmas 2020 challenge is live and free to play

The Dragonmas challenge is now live at https://www.dragonhearts.rpg and available to play. This year Fetu plans to rescue Dragonmas with his usual ulterior and questionable motives.

Completing the challenge will unlock the new area that has been on the back burner for years. Players are advised to make sure their email address is up to date and valid, as we are nearing being able to push live some changes that will necessitate a password reset. Behind the scenes stuff is much closer to being ready.

This announcement is not as a paid promotion but as an announcement regarding a project that I work on, as I am the quest/challenge/lore writer for Dragon Hearts RPG (DH) and the on-staff nag. I've not had to do much nagging or whip cracking lately since Obs/Rowan has had more coding time available. The tutorial video on site usage is on hold until the big changes are in place.

#dragons #textbased #roleplay #quirky

=Dragon Hearts Info=

Friday, December 4, 2020

2020 Shirt Available

 I intended to have this uploaded and ready last month. The image was done I just had not gotten to uploading.

Buy on Zazzle! 


Or buy in men's, women's, or children's on Threadless:

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Second Annual Lacy Day Is Today

 The various Spirits and Powers of The Dreaming Twilight and the Lands of Nisa invite you to join them in our Second Annual Lacy Day celebration.

Lacy Musketeer, or Lacy Aria Wolfram, is one of the creators and originators of the Lands of Nisa and the Dreaming Twilight and was a large part of Rocket City (all areas in Second Life). After her death in August of 2019 in addition to yearly memorials it was decided to have yearly celebrations of her birth and life by the denizens of the Dreaming Twilight.

Second Life is a game to some and a platform to others, used by various groups to either game, teach classes, mingle (even before a certain pandemic). Some separated game time and real life. Others have no separation and their time in Second Life is an extension of their real life. Grief and Love are both powerful forces, and just as real in any location.

This event is not about Grief though, but Love and Life. 

This year's prompts are:

(Prompts and Image courtesy of Oscelot Halaan, Lacy Day planner)
Hope: What does hope mean to you? Is it the comfort of a loved one? A light in the dark? Something else entirely?

Winter: For some, winter is harsh and unwelcome. For others, it's a welcome restorative break from the rest of the year. What does winter mean to you? What are your most (or least favorite parts of winter?

Shrine: The things we decide to enshrine say a lot about us, both personally and as a society. What do you choose to enshrine? What are your favorite shrines?

Here's the DT parcel link, there's no set time and people may be in and out, join us or take part remotely and drop a link below to anything you've made inspired by these prompts. 

Dreaming Twilight (Nisa) parcel in Ontario:

As for myself I have much to do today and not enough spoons. I will be conserving my bandwidth in hopes of being able to facilitate the Sunday Library time in Trotsdale later today and will share anything that I manage to do sometime tomorrow as my workload today is larger than I expected.

The Dreaming Twilight Facebook Page is here:

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Petition Regarding Audible Audiobook Return Policy

 I signed this petition because I do not believe in charging authors or deducting from author royalties for audiobook (or other format) returns. Currently apparently Audible allows returns up to a year even after listening to the entire book. Authors generally do not get much in the way of royalties as it is. It is my opinion that returning a book after listening to or reading the whole thing is theft. It is different if borrowing, but there is a definite borrowing process already in place, thus they are different. There is also the fact that in the case of downloaded audiobooks there is NO physical product to return, it was all delivered digitally in the first place.

In the case of returns I do not deduct from the royalties that I sent out to authors (which only go out once enough has accrued to send the transactions). These are transactions that I would be eating the damage from on titles released through my company.

I realize that there are reasons a person may want to return a book or audiobook and get a refund. Accidental purchase, such as by a child I could see. A refund after reading or listening to simply because they didn't like it though does not seem a valid reason to me. I am including the link below for any that might also feel moved to sign.

What are your views on audiobook returns as an audiobook consumer, as an author, as an audiobook performer, a publisher, or even a distributor? Do your thoughts vary on them based on your position in the industry? Do your thoughts on returns and charging the authors differ between book formats, such as print, ebook, or digital?

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Dragon Hearts RPG Halloween/Samhain seasonal challenge is live

Samhain or Halloween is here. The leaves fall and crunch below feet after blazing in glory. The nights are filled with even more magic. Not all is quite right in Rhiana though and the air does not carry the usual smells. What's going on? Is is safe to take the hatchlings out? Find out here:

Dragon Hearts is a text based role playing game that I particularly enjoy writing the seasonal and permanent challenges and quests for. When I was brought on board for the challenge and lore writer position the specific requirement set for me was quirky. One does not find many dragon centered games that are silly or quirky.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Mara's Seas: A Selkies' Skins Coloring and Lore Book

 This is not the second book in the Selkies' Skins series that people have been waiting for, but an adjunct to the series.

Mara's Seas: A Selkies' Skins Based Mermay (Mermay2020) Inspired Coloring and Lore Book
Written by Teresa Garcia
Illustrated as Teresa Amehana Garcia

Different covers were needed for different venues.

This is a coloring book and set of short stories wherein the artwork was created during and for the annual Mermay challenge (in this case, Mermay2020) and drawn mostly as a visual expansion to the world in my Selkies' Skins series of novels. I wished to draw mostly non-traditional merfolk. You will find depictions of merfolk both mammalian and fish. The various species of merfolk do not always share our human views of body covering. In my world when they wear clothing it is more for ceremonial reasons. Male, female, and even some that are intersexed because of their type are in these pages. There are tells for those that are more mammalian in type. Certain body parts are not present and the eyes of children have been kept in mind. It is on the order of a National Geographic episode for those that need a comparison. 

This is created more with teens and adults in mind, but there is nothing objectional if one keeps in mind that these are nonhuman entities among the fae. 

Some who know me from my books and short stories will note that an extra name is included. I write under Teresa Garcia and illustrate under Teresa Amehana Garcia. If you wish to know more about the world of Selkies’ Skins then Selkies’ Skins: Castle and Well is the first book of Kirsty’s skinquest. There are several side and short stories as well as a prequel available. The second book of that series is currently in progress. The other series available and which crosses over in places are my Dragon Shaman books. At some future point I hope to finally have The Shadow Chronicles ready to join these.

I hope you enjoy coloring these 32 coloring spaces and reading the explanations and stories that accompany them. Size is 5.5 by 8.5 inches.

Amazon (Print):

Gumroads (PDF):

Smashwords (multiple ebook formats):

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Selktember Prompts

Selktember Prompts

Selktember is similar to Mermay, Inktober, and Drawlloween. I have not seen any prompts lists focusing on just selkies, so I felt it time. Selktember will contain a prompt for every day in September and can be used for poetry, art, stories of any length, or even music clips. Whatever your mode of creative expression, use it! Post to your favorite place for your works and then tweet the link. Please use the tags below to help others find it.

The first official Selktember will start in 2020. I got no requests for a mailing list addition, and after considering it and how busy September gets I thought posting the prompts early might be helpful.


Please use one or more of these tags when sharing your work! Have a prompt idea you'd like to submit for future months? Write,

@amehanaarashi (so I see it directly) #Selktember #Selktember2020


Selktember 2020

1. Net

2. Shell

3. Freedom

4. Boat

5. Island

6. Love

7. Tear

8. Child

9. Family

10. Lookout

11. Peace

12. Shipwreck


14. Pirate

15. Storm

16. Fire

17. Lightning

18. Healer

19. Food

20. Lore

21. Lure

22. Song

23. Discovery

24. Prize

25. Surprise

26. Town

27. Council

28. Skin

29. Ritual

30. Rest

Friday, June 26, 2020

Ame Reads Chinese Folktales: # 17 How Rabbits Got Pink Eyes and Long Ears

Friday, May 1, 2020

Beltane Cleansing Fires Meditation

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

McCloud Lumberjack Fiesta is cancelled for this year

It has just arrived in my inbox that this year's McCloud Lumberjack Fiesta has been cancelled. This is sad news but not unexpected. I've been bracing for it. My son and I look forward to next year's Fiesta, which is set for July 23, 24, and 25 of 2021.

So far as I am aware Metal in the Mountains and the Mt Shasta Sci Fi Expo are still happening. I still need to see what fees are for a table at the Sci Fi Expo for my son and myself, and if Metal in the Mountains happens the plan is to be there as well. Perhaps, if another suitable event happens in McCloud this year it will be possible for us financially as well as safe to be part of community events.

Stay safe everyone. It is sad that there won't be Fiesta this year, but there will be more to celebrate next year.

The Shape of Water (Book Review)

The Shape of WaterThe Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love stories of water dwelling folk and creatures. From the cover I was expecting the creature to be more like something from the Black Lagoon but was very pleasantly surprised by the semi-amphibious nature. I will have to look more deeply into the folklore of the water folk of Central America after listening. My favorite parts are the sections told from the creature's perspective.

View all my reviews

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Books I illustrated featured in newspaper

This news article speaks of Mrs. Lazauskas and her Adventures of Moe series that I have illustrated for her with Pen It Publications, as well as sharing her mother's recipe for Fudgesicles.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ame' s Art Desk: March Of Robots 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Art Commission: Ravenhana Ink Pencil coloring process

It finally uploaded. Now you can see the coloring process on my latest #artcommission the very #feathery Ravenhana.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Making and testing a light table, HanaDerp style

Monday, March 30, 2020

Ame Reads: 170 Chinese Poems Reading #8 (with music)

It is time for the next reading out of 170 Chinese Poems as translated by Arthur Waley. This is reading #8. You can find the book for free on

Friday, March 27, 2020

Flash Fiction Fridays #32: Haiku Month Part 1 and "The Woman In Green" a...

Need to listen to someone read? It's Friday. I do not have a flash fiction of my own right now and no one has mailed any in for the podcast. Instead I am reading a few haiku from haiku month and then "The Woman in Green" from the collection "Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures."

This was released a little early on the audio podcast at

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

FFF #32: Haiku Month readings part 1 and The Woman In Green

This episode contains several haiku that I had written this past Haiku Month, as well as a reading of The Woman in Green from "Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures," a public domain book available on A goddess visits a man, but what is her true form? A dragonfly is fleeting, and what is the expression of a divine love?

Music track: Shiro (Instrumental) by Aussens@iter (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Hans Montgomery Atom

Hear the audio podcast by clicking here.
Video backing not yet created to be loaded to Youtube channel.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Review: With Darkness Comes Trouble by Oscar Wagner II

With Darkness Comes TroubleWith Darkness Comes Trouble by Oscar Wager II
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was able to read this as a beta reader, and was delighted to have the opportunity to read the whole book after reading a sample. I am very happy to see it has finally been released to the public.

It was a good story. I really appreciated the interweaving of the similarities of the various religions touched on so that it wasn't overshadowed too much by one or the other. While reading I was not sure if it was meant for "Elvis Datan" or Zu to be such a caricature at times of himself or not. It was very in keeping with Ichtomi and how he tends to bring about his own downfall in stories though. I do love a comedic villian.

Elvis Datan needs anger management classes, badly. I'd feel sorry for the instructor though giving them.

There were times it was a little hard for me to connect to the story. I'm not sure if it was because of pacing since it read more like a paranormal thriller to me, or my own exhaustion at the time of the reading. Angela was also a character that I was intrigued by. It would definitely be interesting to read a story set after or before so see what other Angelic relations are encountered by the whole family line.

I also was very glad that it was a miner that was the father of the main character, and to see a deaf person as a main character. Those are not tales that I find often.

It is a good read when feeling down but in the strange mindset of needing something both heavy but light.

View all my reviews

Review: "Loggers" by Rick Steber

Loggers (Tales of the Wild West, #7)Loggers by Rick Steber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was first introduced to these books as a young girl picking out a souvenir from the gift shop at Fort Stevens. The next year I was able to obtain another. I do not yet have the full collection but I do have several of them. Some of them are still unread but on my to read list for this year as my attention turns to short stories and flash fictions, and bettering my own writing in that genre.

Loggers was an awe inspiring look into what logging was like way back "in the day." It never ceases to amaze me what these tough men went through, and how much of it is still going on to this day with our modern loggers. Although I had read part of this one before getting busy and temporarily putting it aside for others rereading those sections does not detract. It adds to my appreciation.

I highly recommend this for those who love history, who have an interest in logging, or who need short reads and good examples of short reads to aspire to.

View all my reviews

Review: Your VIP Biography by Alinka Rutokwska and Kenneth Atchity

Your VIP Biography: How to Write Your Autobiography to Land a Hollywood DealYour VIP Biography: How to Write Your Autobiography to Land a Hollywood Deal by Alinka Rutkowska and Kenneth Atchity
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read through this book a couple times to fully digest it. I found it well written and easy to follow. Although it was easy to follow it still deserves very careful study. It will certainly help you in crafting your autobiography, but it will also greatly help authors struggling in other book genres as well. It is definitely worth the investment and time to read. Please make sure to have a notebook and writing implement handy both to take notes and to jot down the ideas and realizations you may have as you read through.

This book talks about other books and movies as examples of what is being taught, so those who need examples will find it also covers their learning needs.

View all my reviews

Friday, January 24, 2020

Flash Fiction Fridays #31

 Today's podcast episode is up with some poetry and a short dark fiction by myself. I actually GREATLY disturbed myself writing today's feature because "oh, I'll write about a writer that's snowed in" went to "it's the end for me, it's at the window" very quickly.

I am still dealing with minor ear, Eustachian tube, and throat issues, and thus also am not speaking at normal levels, as well as having to rebuild filter curves for audio processing. Due to a variety of issues this therefore does not sound as loud to me after bringing the RMS up, and I still sound a little muffled.
Not intended for children. For those that need trigger warnings although the poems do not deal with death the feature story does.
Gong sound courtesy of Cloudy Skies after a fortuitous accidental discovery.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Review of Coraline by Neil Gaiman

CoralineCoraline by Neil Gaiman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I preferred this audiobook over the animated feature. A real bonus was hearing the author read it the way he intended it to be read. I found Coraline to be less rude in this and we got more of a rounded view of her. Also I feel that her arc was more impressive in the audiobook. Wylie does not appear in the book, so I feel he was added to the movie to make the lessons about friendship easier to grasp for children. I definitely agree with what I have heard about the book being creepier than the movie, as does my son. This was very well enjoyed.

View all my reviews

Friday, January 10, 2020

Signal Boost: A Personal Piece of Space Art Kickstarter

Have you ever wished to own a piece of space? Eleri Hamilton is doing a small run of space art for Kickstarter backers. Her pieces are beautiful and one of a kind works.

A Kickstarter project only gets done if the goal is met. If the project does not fund you do not get charged, but also the run doesn't get produced. Her goal is $1000 US, and she has a project budget posted.

Check it out.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Book Review: Gaslighting by Aubrie Scrivelor

Gaslighting : Recognize the Narcissist, Learn How to Spot Emotional Abuse, Protect Yourself and Heal From Malignant Narcissism (NPD)Gaslighting : Recognize the Narcissist, Learn How to Spot Emotional Abuse, Protect Yourself and Heal From Malignant Narcissism by Aubrie Scrivelor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I found this to be well written and easy to understand. It is a bit challenging for the reader in the sense of encouraging them to reach and reclaim themselves. It is also written in an understanding manner, as if the author has had personal experience in dealing with narcissists. I was glad to see the reference list at the end.

It actually would have been a fast read but I had processing to do between chapters.

View all my reviews