The Dragonmas challenge is now live at https://www.dragonhearts.rpg and available to play. This year Fetu plans to rescue Dragonmas with his usual ulterior and questionable motives.
Completing the challenge will unlock the new area that has been on the back burner for years. Players are advised to make sure their email address is up to date and valid, as we are nearing being able to push live some changes that will necessitate a password reset. Behind the scenes stuff is much closer to being ready.
This announcement is not as a paid promotion but as an announcement regarding a project that I work on, as I am the quest/challenge/lore writer for Dragon Hearts RPG (DH) and the on-staff nag. I've not had to do much nagging or whip cracking lately since Obs/Rowan has had more coding time available. The tutorial video on site usage is on hold until the big changes are in place.
#dragons #textbased #roleplay #quirky
=Dragon Hearts Info=
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