It is with sorrow that I must announce the passing of FAITH CARLIN-MARIE LINDGREN (AKA LINDGREN-BROWN, editing surname) at 10:20 this morning. Faith was engaged in a very long battle with Diabetes. She was editor for the second edition of Dragon Shaman: Taming the BlowingWind, Dragon Shaman: The Smoky Mirror, and Selkies' Skins: Castle and Well. She was to be editor for Dragon Shaman's third book and Selkies' Skins: Temple and Skinquest although life had slowed the production of the manuscripts and then her eyesight began to deteriorate.
She will be sorely missed, and will always remain now an editor in memoriam with us. She is at least with Jan (Marantha D. Jennelle) now and they finally get to meet in the afterlife. I expect that now I'll have two more disembodied friends whispering in my ears and poking me while I work.
I will always remember her as the thin blonde that the kids and I used to visit or go visit often when we lived in Weed, telling wild stories about her life's adventures and being eager to read over my progress and be the second set of eyes to make sure things were correct and going across as intended in my writing.
I do not know yet when any services will be. I will see about having the main website information on Faith updated at some point when I can without feeling drained.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Memorial Posting: Faith Lindgren-Brown, editor

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Magical Minstrelsy Print version is approaching
Soon I will be ordering the proof of the print copy of "Magical Minstrelsy: volume one" which contains the first year of works that were produced for my Patreon project. If you are interested in seeing what I personally am up to when news on the publishing blog is slow then please feel free to come over and visit. Mine gives access to exclusives and early peeks at what from my works goes public and is set to a monthly pledge system to see the exclusives and early peeks. It also regularly has public postings as well.
Teresa Garcia's Patreon
If any other of our authors create one I will happily post links. Soon I'll be going over things to verify that I do have up to date ways to find their public author contact areas.
Teresa Garcia's Patreon
If any other of our authors create one I will happily post links. Soon I'll be going over things to verify that I do have up to date ways to find their public author contact areas.
teresa garcia

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
An interview with Illya Leonov (narrator for Selkies' Skins)
Get to know Illya Leonov, the voice for the audiobook version of "Selkies' Skins: Castle and Well" and "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals" a bit better.
Like the voice? The more copies of the audiobook sell then the more I can send him.
Selkies' Skins: Castle and Well
Free audio of "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals"
part 1
part 2
part 3
Like the voice? The more copies of the audiobook sell then the more I can send him.
Selkies' Skins: Castle and Well
Free audio of "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals"
part 1
part 2
part 3

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Smashwords Author Notices are now happening
Did you know that you can now sign up for Smashwords to notify you when your favorite authors there release new content? You have to go to their profile page to do this. For your convenience here is a link to my Smashwords profile.
You can do the same by going to the publisher page for my company and visit other authors listed, and sign up for their updates too.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
September - Earth Wind
I thought that some people might be interested to see what one of the young ones that were published in The Dragon Beads Anthology has been up to since that time. I think Ollie's doing quite well, don't you? Way to go young man, it's great to see how you've grown and your growth in music as well.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
My Family Is Different Book Trailer
Please check the description below the video on Youtube for the links to where to get a copy or write the contact email here on the blog to order.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
"In The Vault" By H.P. Lovecraft, Art and Narration by Teresa Garcia

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Writing Workshop session 6 of 30
Tired, but the workshop happened this time.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Shared Short Story: The Bird

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Patreon Poem compilation time is approaching
It's not going to be very many more months until my Patreon has been going for a year. After the year mark I'll bundle up the poems, art, and shared scans together into an ebook and send them out to my Patrons for free. After that I'll start on the next collection of them.
Original post:
For those that have not been Patrons I am considering releasing the collection for sale, but my Patrons have been supporting that, so they get it free. Some content will stay exclusive to them though.
Original post:
For those that have not been Patrons I am considering releasing the collection for sale, but my Patrons have been supporting that, so they get it free. Some content will stay exclusive to them though.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Ame-Noodle Doodles #2 (redo)
I tried live streaming on Youtube drawing this piece. It was a less than stellar experience resulting in 6 uploads when there should have been 1 long one. Out of an hour and a half or so of drawing when I went to stop the stream I noticed only 19 or so minutes. Lovely. Thus I apologize for not getting to show the process behind this one.
This was a fun style to play with.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Spring Writing Contest
In order to collect the prize you'd need to create a Second Life account, which is free. You can then convert the prize money and withdraw it, or you can use it within the world.
Spring Writing Contest
Any writing is welcome for this contest, whether it's a story, limerick, tanka, essay... write the way that you are most comfortable. Any length is eligible, just please don't give me an entire novel (novel = 80,000 words).
Prompt: It is a beautiful spring day. You're having a picnic. Suddenly this big crystal egg lands in the potato salad! What happens next?
Submissions due: May 30, 2016, midnight.
Starting Prize: 1629$L
Upped to: 12029$L (around 40$US)
Number of Prizes: 1
Due to how FEW entries past contests got there will only be one prize. Runners up might be chosen at judge discretion depending on how many entries are received. In that event then additional but non monetary prizes will be arranged. If anyone wishes to donate an item for a possible prize then please IM me, and as usual $L prize donations can be sent to the bank via the tip jars at collection points. Hanaarashi Resident (Kirsty Makay) is the account being used to hold the prize money until distribution.
Submission/Collection Points:
1. Proper spelling and grammar is nice, take the time to proof read. Poorly spelled entries won't be turned away, but those with good spelling/grammar may sit higher in the ranks.
2. Notecard naming: your legacy name (not display name): Spring Writing Contest 2016
3. On the notecard put
-1) What you consider your submission to be (haiku, story, essay etc.)
-2) Title of your work (if you're naming it)
-3) Name you wish to be announced under if different from your legacy name
-4) Genre (if applicable)
-5) Your work.
4. For readability please make sure there is an empty line between each paragraph and/or heading.
5. Make sure your piece uses the writing prompt suggested.
6. You can submit more than one entry, but each entry has the same chance as any other.
Spring Writing Contest
Any writing is welcome for this contest, whether it's a story, limerick, tanka, essay... write the way that you are most comfortable. Any length is eligible, just please don't give me an entire novel (novel = 80,000 words).
Prompt: It is a beautiful spring day. You're having a picnic. Suddenly this big crystal egg lands in the potato salad! What happens next?
Submissions due: May 30, 2016, midnight.
Starting Prize: 1629$L
Upped to: 12029$L (around 40$US)
Number of Prizes: 1
Due to how FEW entries past contests got there will only be one prize. Runners up might be chosen at judge discretion depending on how many entries are received. In that event then additional but non monetary prizes will be arranged. If anyone wishes to donate an item for a possible prize then please IM me, and as usual $L prize donations can be sent to the bank via the tip jars at collection points. Hanaarashi Resident (Kirsty Makay) is the account being used to hold the prize money until distribution.
Submission/Collection Points:
1. Proper spelling and grammar is nice, take the time to proof read. Poorly spelled entries won't be turned away, but those with good spelling/grammar may sit higher in the ranks.
2. Notecard naming: your legacy name (not display name): Spring Writing Contest 2016
3. On the notecard put
-1) What you consider your submission to be (haiku, story, essay etc.)
-2) Title of your work (if you're naming it)
-3) Name you wish to be announced under if different from your legacy name
-4) Genre (if applicable)
-5) Your work.
4. For readability please make sure there is an empty line between each paragraph and/or heading.
5. Make sure your piece uses the writing prompt suggested.
6. You can submit more than one entry, but each entry has the same chance as any other.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Polls and Contests
My own writing in Selkies' Skins book two and my Patreon writing have been progressing rather decently. A.J. Garcia still intends to write her novel but is having difficulties with time. I am experimenting more with recording live events, so at some point when I am more confident I will plan one for the publishing company. There is also a writing contest going through the Trotsdale Library in Second Life, for more info you may read here.
I am also experimenting with polls to give Patrons and visitors a chance to tell me what they'd like to see more of in the coming month regarding my mythical creatures poems. If asked I'd consider including deities as well. If you'd like to check out my Patreon please click here to visit that and get access to various goodies.
I am also experimenting with polls to give Patrons and visitors a chance to tell me what they'd like to see more of in the coming month regarding my mythical creatures poems. If asked I'd consider including deities as well. If you'd like to check out my Patreon please click here to visit that and get access to various goodies.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Friday, March 18, 2016
C.S.T.F. Workshop 3 of 30

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Ideas for publicity
If any of the other authors that have published with THG StarDragon Publishing have their own personal or book related sites, please let me know so that I can also promote those. It also helps me when doing publicity or feedback drives for your work.
If anyone is interested in co-op work or co-op publicity drives, such as blog tours, I am open. Please feel free to message me. I do also maintain a multi-use Youtube account. Guest appearances and interviews would be a really cool thing to work out, likely through discord and recorded for upload. Or I might think about setting up a Skype account specifically for such purposes for video conferences.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
The Book of Seals - by Teresa Garcia - part 3
The final part of the co-op project that Illya Leonov and I did for "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals" which is a prequel to "Selkies' Skins: Castle and Well."

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Shout for a friend/esteemed author "Hushicho - I need your help!"
This is a video on Youtube that my good friend Hushicho has done about his Patreon. It pretty much sums up my position as well, although right now I'm not pruning projects but just trying to grow my patronage. I encourage you to check it out.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Zoe Quinn dropping charges?
Remember Gamer Gate? Although I'm a fantasy writer, part of my writing work does take place in the gaming world as I work for one game and volunteer admin time in another (providing content for both games). The game industry in my view is a firm part of the publishing industry. Thus when I first got wind of what was going on I did pay attention from inside my deep dark cave.
Today I feel it appropriate to share a link to an article on Zoe Quinn's blog on why she is dropping charges against the man that started it all.
Today I feel it appropriate to share a link to an article on Zoe Quinn's blog on why she is dropping charges against the man that started it all.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
C.S.T.F Workshop 1 of 30

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
The Cloud Rending Quill: The Siren
The monthly poem and a bit of lore from within the world of Selkies' Skins.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Collected Thanksgiving Songs from Dragon Hearts and the Trotsdale Library
I am still not caught up, but I am still chipping away at the publishing goals.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
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