Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Friday, December 21, 2012

Audiobook (The Adventures of Lightning the Cat) release and news

Lightning the Cat:

So the first collection of Lightning's mini adventures is now available to purchase on audio, narrated by myself.  The audiobook contains:
Lightning's Job
The Battle of the Tomato
and Disarmament

These mini stories are snippets from Lightning's exploits, meant to entertain Children as well as to bring awareness to the fact that service animals can be more than dogs... and have their own opinions about what is going on.  I already have people waiting for more short shorts about the cat and his exploits.  I do have more to write, but there are other projects higher on the priority list.

On Amazon

It has not yet gone live on the iBookstore, though ACX did send it there, so if you shop on that site, it should turn up later on.
Print and ebook versions are also available.

Call of the Kami:

The narrator has been sick, so we are running behind schedule for the first 15 minutes and hoping that she will still be able to make the agreed completion date.  So let's all pray that her throat heals and that she gets better.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another Audio Narrator Opening - Stories of Sprits

Stories of Spirits is now available on Amazon, in both Kindle and Paperback (via Createspace) format.  This means that it is now also available on ACX for audiobook production.

Current books looking for someone to narrate and record:

Stories of Spirits
Dragon Shaman Book One (Taming the Blowing Wind)
Dragon Shaman Book Two (The Smoky Mirror)

If you sign up through ACX to narrate, you will be paid your royalty share direct from them (though still there is a minimum amount to accrue before the first payment).  There are also many other books in their production system that need voices, so there is plenty of work offered by other publishers as well.  This is an excellent opportunity if you must stay at home, but still want or need to be able to work.  The process is actually fairly simple (especially if you download a program like Audacity to use) and ACX has tips on their site for first time narrators.  I recorded the first collection of The Adventures of Lightning the Cat (which is currently in the "heading to retail" process now, being made ready for Amazon) as both a gift for my daughter and as a way to test the process from the producer/narrator end.

Still working on widening distribution for Steven Disney's poetry

One of the projects I'm finishing up is getting both Steven Disney's poetry books onto Amazon into both print and ebook formats.  It has been more than long enough, his books should have made it over from Lulu, and I was assured they would be when participating in distribution and using them as the primary book distributor for the publishing.

They haven't, except for the tranfers I did myself.  Part of it may be the very niche nature of his poetry (the trials and joys of gay life).  Still, I find it aggravating.

So currently, Steven Disney's works can be found on Lulu still, and on Smashwords, which distributes also to other estores (including B&N ebooks).  I will update this listing when his titles go live on Amazon, but if you have a favorite bookstore and want a copy, go and ask.

On Amazon:
Mend this Heart: The First Year (Kindle)
Mend this Heart: The First Year (paperback)
The paperback I am waiting on the proof copy to arrive.  The Kindle version has a rights review step to go through.  If need be I will pull out my evidence and/or get the author to send a letter.

Perceptions of the Mind (Kindle)
Perceptions of the Mind (paperback)
Perceptions will later go to Createspace for Amazon after reformatting

On Lulu:
Mend this Heart (PDF)
Mend this Heart (paperback)

Perceptions of the Mind (Epub)
Perceptions of the Mind (paperback)

On Smashwords:
Mend this Heart: The First Year (all ebook formats)
Perceptions of the Mind (all ebook formats)
Note: Prices are very low for these on Smashwords until January 1st (for holiday season) and then will go back up to normal.  The more books sell this season, the more he'll have in his account that I can send him for his royalties).

Direct orders are also available, by email, and I will invoice you. If given a subject box, please type "book order" so that it will not be disregarded as possible spam.  Payment must be received before shipping.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Website Updated

The main THG StarDragon Publishing website has been updated today by our webmaster Rowan Wookey.  Thank you Rowan.

Ayam Yogi Abraxas has been added to our authors list, the anthology page has the submission deadline on it now (July 31, 2013) and Samantha Buckley has been added as the other cover artist with us.

I have not had time yet to update properly the available works list and include all the places the books are available, that will be the next site update.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Victoria Davis' Artwork Feature

Victora Davis is one of the artists that does cover art for THG StarDragon Publishing for Teresa Garcia.  Book covers she has done so far are Dragon Shaman Book Two, and The Dragons' Beads: A Treasury, and she is doing the re-cover for Dragon Shaman Book One.

Her work is also an integral part of the British online browser based roleplaying game Dragon Hearts.  She does the seasonal images, the default profile pics, chat glyphs, and whatever else the game creator decides needs official imagery.  There are some Cafe Press stories that have her artwork for sale, though not all of the game art has gone in them.  If you play the game though and see something on the artwork page you like, you can ask and it can be added to a product for you.  Twenty five percent of all sales are split between the game and the artist, the rest goes toward the maufacture of items and the associated fees for the Cafe Press venue.

Dragon Hearts Art for sale:
Custom Items Store
Red Dragon Store
Blue Dragon Store
Purple Dragon Store
White Dragon Store
Bronze Dragon Store
Yellow Dragon Store
Green Dragon Store
Pewter Dragon Store
Obsidian's Favourites

She also has a presence on Deviant Art, as well as Imagekind.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Audio progress, manuscript progress

Other people that were also listening to the audio tracks to the first collection of the Adventures of Lightning the Cat have noted no problems.  So since all ears seem to be in agreement, the tracks have been approved, and it will be a few weeks before the audiobook process for that will be complete.  It is probably going to be the only audiobook that I personally narrate, due to how tricky it is here to find good recording time.

I'm still waiting for the first 15 minutes of Call of the Kami, which should be ready for me to check by the 16th.

Ayam Yogi Abraxas' contract returned in the mail today, all that needs doing is having another party verify they saw it as signed.  But I'm ill right now, so that will have to wait till I can get out of the house to do that.  I should be able to start editing and preparing AyaMayA as soon as he delivers me the version that he wants me to work on.

What is current in the Selkies' Skins manuscript is ready to go to Faith for editing (including final checks on section one of what is available on the website) in getting that part ready for ebook.  As I am sick though, it will have to wait another bit before I take her the binder for her magic and fresher eyes.  Hopefully tomorrow.

Class started again for me yesterday, and so I am embarking study in the real of International Organization, which looks interesting and brings me closer to the end of this degree.

Nomination rounds in the #ANA2012 contest have ended.  I did not secure a nomination or a wildcard, but I also do not feel that I placed badly when taking into account how many competitors there were, or that I was even selected to have my story compete at all.  I doubt that I will partake in #ANA2013 though.  The social networking ate too much productivity time.  If I had spent more time hawking it all over I might have placed better (or maybe not) but that was still time that could have been used elsewhere.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

And after the Kickstarter... yep still busy here.

Tomorrow is the first day of my next class, International Organizations.  It looks to be an interesting eight weeks, looking at the book.  I see a section on copyright, which I'm definitely looking forward to, as I hope that will help me more for my international author and in the international publishing.  I'm very glad that a very special friend some few years ago told me about the American Public University so that I could go further in my education despite my family situation.  Not only will it help my writing, and help in the publishing world, it brings me closer to a childhood dream.

I'm waiting on a few more replies from my Kickstarter backers, and getting to work on the parts of the packages that are to be delivered early.  Marantha Dreamweaver Jenelle had given me many backgrounds to use for my stories and poetry.  The backers that get a poem and a story respectively will be getting their hardcopies using those backgrounds.  Depending what format they choose for their ecopies, they will also get that on those as well.

More information about how to get your own can be found here.  She has a HUGE library of suitable backgrounds and images that she has created, and you might even be able to get her to design custom stationery if you were to ask about it.  I mean huge.  She filled my inbox to overfull when giving me copies, so she's got to have something suitable to any project you have.  And she is very creative, so there's always more coming.

Work on the postcard drawings will be starting soon as well, I am just waiting on stock to arrive.  I'll be contacting my editor soon to have her go over section one so that I can get the ecopies of the available installments in the webnovel out to the backers in January.

Friday, November 30, 2012

A look at the coming year

So, this coming year is going to be busy:

1. Selkies' Skins Project:
Selkies' Skins will have the first section of the story (all the released serial episodes from start to Dec 1, 2012... plus perhaps a surprise) released in a mini volume to the Kickstarter backers in January 2013.  Other items to go out in January are icon sized and computer backgrounds of story related art and postcards with messages and custom art on the backs.
The Kickstarter also generated one story and one poem to be fulfilled
Selkies' Skins full book to be finished, edited, covered, and released in December 2013 to certain project backers.  After theirs are fulfilled, it opens up for everyone else to order.

There are just a few hours left, so if you're thinking about contributing and securing some rewards, now's the time.

2. AyaMayA
AyaMayA by Ayam Yogi Abraxas to be finished, edited, covered, and released in November 2013.

3. Dragon Shaman
Still waiting on cover art from Victoria "Salaiek" Davis for the second edition of Dragon Shaman Book One, which fixes some mistakes that were found in the first edition.  Once I receive the cover art for the second edition, I can release that.

4. Audiobooks
Still need narration for books one and two of Dragon Shaman.  Audiobook for The Adventures of Lightning the Cat is being worked on, and probably the only one I will voice myself, unless I adapt "The Little Blue Rosebud" for the children as well.  Considering having Steven Disney's two poetry books adapted for audio.

Any other projects accepted will be slated to see work start in 2014, as I need to keep time open for school and vetting audiobooks once I can get the audiobook projects a narrator.  This way I can ensure the projects will have enough time to receive proper attention.  This also gives time for people interested in making submissions plenty of time to do any preliminary revisions before showing me or submitting inquiries.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Selkies' Skins Kickstarter update, Call of the Kami, Dragon Shaman


Forty-nine hours as of now left on the Kickstarter for Selkies' Skins.  Currently a total of $251 has been pledged.  Not only will it fund on Dec 1st, but we reached one of the stretch goals.  The cover art for the print edition of the book will be covered (depending on the artist's work, the current cover for the ebook edition may wind up as an inside cover or an end page for continuity's sake).  I'm very pleased by this, as it means that I'm not having to dig in my personal slush fund as deeply to bring this project to the market.

Will we be able to hit the next stretch goal ($626 total) in time to afford paying a narrator up front for an audio version, instead of having to do a royalty share agreement?  Let's find out!  If we don't manage to get all the way to that stretch goal, there are other aspects of the project that the extra cash can help cover or reimburse, or we might even generate enough to still make a tidy up front payment to entice an excellent voice with (and if you've got a narrator suggestion in mind, or someone itching to do it, let me know and I'll look for them once Selkies' is in the ACX system).

Call of the Kami:

In a couple weeks, the poetry book "Call of the Kami" will have the first 15 minutes of audio ready for me to check and approve.  Andrea Missias and I are pretty excited about this.  Considering how old the poetry is now, and what a different frame of mind I was in when writing those poems, I'm very interested to hear her rendition of them.

Dragon Shaman:

I'm still looking for voice talent for recording the first and second book in the Dragon Shaman series.  My friend Travers Stevenson was going to see about doing it, but I've not heard from him or received any audition yet on the project.  So in the interim, I am still open to auditions on both projects.
Dragon Shaman: Taming the Blowing Wind
Dragon Shaman: The Smoky Mirror

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Selkies' Skins update and update on ANA2012

The final installment for section one of Selkies' Skins has gone to both of the journal archives and the archive website for the webnovel.  There are five days left to take part in the Kickstarter to get final editing (once the full novel is ready for Faith), contribute toward paying the cover artist for the print version, a possible audiobook, and to get rewards for yourselves.

The sections of the story may or may not end up breaking the same in the novel.  For the webversion in the archive, this is being sectioned for navigation's sake so that readers will have an easier time picking up where they left off.  The story still has a way to go before we are finished with it.

Selkies' Skins on Livejournal
Selkies' Skins on Dreamwidth
Selkies Skins on Teresa Garcia's Serial Stories

In other news, Kiss Cursed Princess has fallen from 111th to 132 place.  This is out of 415 though, there are many authors in the America's Next Author contest.  You still have time to go and vote for this week's nominee, and next week will seen another nominee voted into the finalist rounds.

I also look forward to seeing the revised manuscript of AyaMayA by Ayam Yogi Abraxas soon.

Friday, November 16, 2012

An update on the story in #ANA2012

"Kiss Cursed Princess" by Teresa Garcia is currently at 95th place in the running for a nomination slot in the America's Next Author contest.  This week, they have started asking each of the contestants two questions for mini interviews.  It is my understanding that the questions will change each week now.

Below, I'll give the two questions asked, and how I would have liked to answer them.  The official responses had to be much much shorter, as we were only allowed 250 characters per question.  Certainly not enough to both answer and show our personalities.

Question 1
What is the best writing advice you've ever heard?
It was my senior year of high school. Before English class (and before the other students had come in) I had presented one of my new poems to the instructor, Ms. Silva, for her feedback.  I was worrying about the delivery and motifs being too cliche, since I intended to have it published under the pen name I was using at the time.  She had already seen me working on a project I intended to be a series of novels in my free time.  To my surprise, she was eager to see both published, and whenever I brought a project to her for feedback, the editing suggestions were always made very kindly, she's tell me my weak points and make suggestions, then show me my strengths too.  It had gotten so that she would do it with my vocabulary sentences as well, because I would use those assignments to practice short stories as a way to keep things interesting for the both of us.  Her best advice, echoed by Ms. Akridge, another teacher that handled several subjects, was "just keep writing."

So I do.

Question 2
When you start a new story do you prepare an outline in advance or do you just jump right in?

Sometimes I'll start a new story with an outline, and sometimes I won't.  If it is a novel, I generally have an idea, and things fall into place a chapter or so in... then I'll write out the chapter outline and work from there.  Rarely, I'll draft a full outline before I start, but then I generally end up rewriting several more times than usual because I'll be fighting overstructuring.  "Kiss Cursed Princess," which is what I submitted for this contest, is an example o writing without a formal outline, as is "The Little Blue Rosebud" that I published many years ago under a pen name.  My novels in the Dragon Shaman series, and Selkies' Skins, all have outlines. 

So what got submitted for the official answers?  Click here to find out.  While you're there, share my story (it's free to read) with your friends, leave your feedback, and of course vote if you like it (or if you think it stinks, there's an option for that too in the dropdown box).  Voting's weekly.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Selkie's Kickstarter Update and background image done

So, the desktop background reward for the Selkies' Skins Kickstarter is ready.  I decided, since no one had chipped in just on the $1 or $5 level, that since at $5 backers not only get their name listed as a backer, but a copy of the background, that I would make a very small size of the image available to the $1 backers, so that there will be something more substantial.

The image itself I'm keeping under wraps for now, till time to send them out.  There is a sample posted on a backer only update (and with the big old "sample" stamp over it).

We're at 18 days to go, and $20 left to raise before time runs out.  If we don't meet that minimum pledged on Kickstarter, no one is charged for their pledges (and I'll have to figure out other methods of covering base costs).

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Possible new title

Ayam Yogi Abraxas submitted his manuscript "Ayamaya" for me to look over.  We are currently negotiating terms, but I would very much like to be the publisher he ultimately chooses. In his words:
I have deeply studied the Kabballah, (as I was instructed to within dreams) , and I have demonstrated within this work how it combines Quantum Physics, Psychology, Kundalini Shakti Chakra Yoga, Tarot, Magick, Shamanism and Taoism into a practical system for understanding and then working with reality.

Ayamaya demonstrates the unity underlying eastern and western religions, and explains many of the paradoxes of sub-atomic particle physics and psychology through dream metaphors. Practical instructions are given on how every reader may experience this state of consciousness, in order to verify the information themselves. Furthermore, they are then shown how to apply the lessons learned through lucid dreaming to the art of manifestation, using the law of attraction in reality.
He also goes into the Tarot, the journey of the Pharaoh, and alchemy, among several other things.  What I have read so far of the manuscript is fascinating. So, this is what's going on in my publishing so far that is not my own work, and is not waiting for submissions to the dragon anthology.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Kickstarter Progress

Last night I did not update here on the Kickstarter's progress for Selkies' Skins. There is $20 left to raise before I am assured of the base funds for the project. It's exciting to see how close to the mark we are coming. Eighty eight percent, with 23 days to go!


Episode 26 went out last night on the archive site and the journals. We're also very near the end of section one and getting ready to launch into section two of the story. I can't tell you how excited I am at the prospect of being able to have payment to take to the editor when it's time for final revisions, and actually being able to print the manuscript out. The other books that she has edited were all done exclusively out of pocket. In fact, all of the books through THG StarDragon Publishing have been funded from my pocket, so it's very exciting to see the Kickstarter being a full Kickstart.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Selkies' Skins news

The Kickstarter for the story has 24 days to go.  So far, there is $75 pledged of the needed $170 for the BASE funding need.  If the minimum goal is met, no charges go through to anyone, and I receive no money to help fund the project.  So I'm trying not to chew my nails over this.  It is an interesting experiment to be generating funding for a project this route though.

What makes me happiest is hearing the different reactions from those that listen or read.  It makes me very happy to hear from a young teen that he's enjoying it, looking forward to more, and what parts he finds amusing.  I like hearing from the middle aged woman in Texas that I've got a big fan and that she looks forward to getting all my works.  I like hearing that it's hitting the chords and emotions I was aiming for.  And it helps me get better when I hear about what wasn't liked, what isn't working.

But right now, I'm just having fun writing about what these selkies are up to.

I'm planning on figuring out when to sit down and work on the promised desktop background for those that pledge more than $5 to the drive.  I'm thinking it likely that I'll be livestreaming when I do the artwork, which means I'd have the focus on the computer screen instead (yay, I won't be in front of the camera... stage fright won't be so bad).

The story itself is growing quickly, which pleases me greatly.  I'm very much looking forward to having the completed manuscript that I can take to my editor and hand over to her.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Selkies' Skins' first backer!

Only a few hours in we have our first backer and are at 14% of funding.  I'm pretty excited.  Thanks Tiffee Jasso!  That's a copy of the ebook spoken for, as well as a few other things.

Kickstart some seal people! Official Selkies' Skins Kickstarter

Alright, time to unleash the... seals?  What does one unleash when sending selkies off on a running (swimming?) start to generate base funds?

The Kickstart lasts until 10:05 AM, December 1st, and no one is charged for their pledges until then.  The baseline I need is $170, and if the project doesn't get enough pledges, no one is charged and I get no money.  Minimum pledge is $1, so even if you've not got a lot you can still help out with getting money for manuscript printing and paying the editor to go over it.  And if you can't even spare a dollar, tell your friends about it, your family, your doctor... tell everyone.  The more people know, the better.

There are a lot of reward levels, including the ability to design a character for inclusion.

I'll be updating on the project regularly, so be sure to sign up at the page to get updates!  I'll send requests to the backers after project funding, and everyone that backs me gets mentioned on the story archive site, and in the print and ebook editions in a special section.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Selkies' Skins Kickstarter Pre-launch Announcement

I'm always looking for ways to fund our projects that do not involve funding from my own pocket (I need to eat).  All the products published to date under the aegis of THG StarDragon Publishing and been from my own funds, from the original block of ISBN's, through to getting the proofs copied and sent to me for review and approval or redoing.  My editor has always cut me some slack in the financial department, as she is in a similar position.  So my payments to her have not always been monetary, though she certainly deserves a lot more and I work toward making the exchange more equal.

Hence why most of the time when editing services are required, I ask for compensation, and am always willing to negotiate a rate that is fair to both editor and author.

As more people work with us, I hope to make things easier and more lucrative for everyone.  That's always been one of my goal.  So I am excited to have the opportunity to try out a funding option that allows more involvement.  I will be running the first Kickstarter soon for one of my projects, Selkies' Skins.  Starting November 1st, there will be the option available to make pledges in return for rewards that range from artwork connected to the story, mention in the print and ebook versions as well as the story's site, a copy of the finished story as print or ebook, all the way through to a complete set of my works.  At one level, there is even the option available to have your collection updated free for the length of my writing life.  There is still time to give me feedback if you've got an idea for a reward, but don't see it listed.  Take a look at what's there.

Selkies' Skins Kickstarter

The event is going to run for a month, and I will be doing regular updates via the update feature, answering any questions that are asked, talking a bit about my writing process, posting snippets from what is not available for reading yet, and possibly even reading parts of the story live via livestream.

I need your help to reach the minimum funding goal to cover the project's most basic needs.  I do have other goals for if there is enough participation.  Share the link with your friends if you can't afford to chip in even with just a dollar, and ask them to share it as well.  In this case, the more the merrier.

Much thanks to Oscelot Haalan of Second Life, for introducing me to M.C.A. Hogarth and her live journal, which led to my finding out about Kickstarter and being able to explore it as an option to help with not only my own creative projects, but possibly being able to help others use it as well in the future when working on their projects.

Remember, we go live November 1st.  November 1st is also the last day that Call of the Kami will be free at Smashwords, and it will return to a normal price.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guest Blog: Grease's adventures in publishing "Ginny Griffin's First Day of School"

Our first guest blogger is Grease Coakes, an author that I met in Second Life. At the time I first met him, he was working toward getting his first children's book published, but did not know where to turn.  I've enjoyed helping him and cheering him on in his quest to find the right fit for him.  What follows has gone through some minor editing in the punctuation department, as I always want to preserve the voice as much as possible.

Let's hear from Grease:
Getting everything together to publish my children’s story has truly been an immense challenge for me. Luckily I found a positive writing group that helped me create a much better Children’s story and gave me feedback. Not only that, an online friend of mine suggested a new ending for my story “Ginny Griffin’s first day of school.” The story - as the title suggests - is about a girl griffin and her first day of school at a new school. She meets new friends and is bullied by the school bully. It’s certainly a challenge for her and her new friends to overcome as they are halted at every turn. It’s filled with a couple laughs and it teaches the reader to be brave in times of adversity.

Next step when I got the story and characters and dialogue together was to find an editor. I did find someone to help edit as I progressed in editing and creating the story. When I finalized it again another friend was nice enough to edit it again. Lots of errors were in the grammar and punctuation, but the story itself was very well done. It took me a good hour or more to fix everything in yellow. The good news was now the written part of my story was complete!
The same friend suggested I go to a publishing website called to publish my story. I paid the fee and went ahead and placed my story on the website. Except there was one last thing. I need a cover picture; sadly I can only draw stick figures.

I asked someone who drew a picture for me, in trade for a story, to draw for some compensation. She agreed. When I checked on her recently she gave me a rude response. So all I need now is an artist to draw a professional and child friendly picture for my story, and it’s ready for publishing! Now if only I can find someone who can stick to it!

Grease Coakes from Second Life author of Ginny Griffin’s first day of school.

So here is at least the first part of Grease's adventures in publishing.  Many thanks to him for speaking up about his work, and much luck to him in getting it finalized.  I can't wait to see his project completed and be able to announce his success.  Let's all give him a cheer!

Soon illegal to sell what you own?

Yes, this is deplorable. For centuries, the market has existed as people buying and then owning items, and then being able to resell them once they are done. Now, on October 29th, it will be going before the courts to decide whether or not to take away the right to resell that laptop that you're done with, but still works fine. Technically, you would have to ask the copyright owners for permission to resell your used Dell. Sounds rather unfair, doesn't it? Heads up on this important issue!

For more info, or to be part of the protest, click the banner on the corner of the blog.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

America's Next Author Competition

Have you heard of the exciting social writer's contest "America's Next Author" yet?  If not, or if you haven't checked out the competing stories and authors, you might want to check it out.  There are seven rounds left, and submissions for the later rounds are still ongoing.

Congratulations to author Elizabeth Reeves for securing the first nomination and the #1 slot for the first week.    Elizabeth has written some wonderful horse novels for young readers, and in the author of The Last Selkie series.  I highly recommend checking into her work.  Congratulations again Elizabeth!

Besides her excellent steampunk meets fey short that was submitted, there are 244 total stories currently in the running for the other seven slots.  You can help decide who gets nominated for finals every week.  Four wildcard authors will also be chosen, and these all go into judging, until they decide who wins that Big Prize.

Check it out!
All stories are available for free download.

While there, look for my story "Kiss Cursed Princess" and please feel free to leave a review, a vote if you like it, and don't forget to tell your friends where they can go participate in this novel event.

See you at the story stack!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Guest blogs

I have been thinking about allowing guest bloggers for quite some time.  If you have a book that you have written, or are in the process of writing, and would like to talk about it then this could be an opportunity for you to get the word out about your endeavor.

If you are interested, send me an email, and a synopsis of what you would like to write about.  We can discuss whether it would be better for you to be able to guest blog from your own account, or if it would be better for you to send me your blog post, pic, and name you want attributed to post on your behalf.

If you know someone that has a story or book that would be interested, certainly feel free to send them this direction.

~Teresa Garcia
subject line: guest blogging inquiry

Sunday, September 30, 2012

First part of Chapter Sixteen in Selkies' Skins live

Chapter 16, Flat Note, for "Selkies' Skins" is now live on all three locations.  This installment we find out what happens as a result of Mara's snapping up of Etain.

Read along for free at
The serial archive

If you enjoy the story, please don't forget to leave a tip for the author. Comments are also appreciated.

Donate Here via Paypal

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Sunday. Time for more Selkies' Skins

Installment 21, Chapter 15: Temple of Mara, Part Two is live today.  Join Etain in the depths of the North Sea to find out what happens to this selkie for today's episode of the webserial novel "Selkies Skins."  Will she ever finish her mysterious mission and be able to return home?  What will happen to Kirsty, if her mother can't return?

Read along for free at:
Live Journal
Teresa Garcia's Webserial Archival

If you like it, don't forget to use the donate buttons to tip the author and help towards production and final editing costs when the book goes to print and ebook.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Call of the Kami audiobook contract signed. Smashwords ebook edition free till Nov. 1, 2012

It is with great pleasure that I formally announce that the contract between Andrea C. Missias and myself has been signed, and that production of the audio version of my poetry book "Call of the Kami" will soon start. I just adore her voice, I sincerely hope that you will love and enjoy her reading.

"Call of the Kami" I originally published in 2007 on Lulu, and was the result of years of research into Shinto and Japanese culture, which then inspired a complete avalanche of poetry (I still have tons that I have yet to polish up and release in other books). In the case of the poems that went into "Call of the Kami" it was more like a storm of sakura petals and snow. With these on my hardrive, I then was given the idea to publish this and help raise awareness of Japanese and Shinto culture, and to show one example of how it could mesh with a Western mindset, being American myself and quite Western despite how deeply I was influenced since very small.

Each new section of poems is preceded by a bit of prose explaining the idea and general theme. In the back is the explanation of how to incorporate Shinto styled worship into your life.

In the spirit of celebration of the beginning of the audiobook version, as well as to honor the yearly travel of the myriad Okami to Ise for their annual meetings, I have decided that I will set the Smashwords re-release at free till November 1st, 2012. This ebook version does include the original pictures. The cover is different from the original edition, and matches with the cover that will be on the audiobook version. For those that choose to download a plaintext version, the images will not be there, sadly, but there are several formats available that do have the pictures.

If you cannot get epub or pdf from the smashwords site, send an email to me requesting a copy in your preferred format, and I will be happy to convert you a copy. Please use subject line: Call of the Kami promotional and mail to


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Installment 20 of "Selkies' Skins" Webnovel is online

Etain, the half-human and half-Selkie waterwitch and priestess to Mara and a mysterious landwater deity, finds yet more excitement after leaving behind an oil rig to survey for herself what damage has been done below the waters.  What does she find in this underwater city beyond the seven waves?

Find out in Selkies' Skins Chapter 15: Temple of Mara.
Read Selkies' Skins at LiveJournal
Read Selkies' Skins at Dreamwidth
Read The Chapter at Teresa Garcia Serials Website

Or start at the introduction on the Web Fiction Guide.  Don't forget, if you find any typos while reading, or any places that confuse you, please let me know.  Constructive feedback helps with the finished product.  Thank you for going with me on this journey.

My apologies for some of the spacing on the Serials Site.  Weebly is being a little difficult.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Releases and Submission Calls

So far this month, two new ebooks have been released.

Amethyst Stormrider's horror short story "Pollinations of Jardinia: Snake Hunter of Jardinia" is available in many ereader formats on Smashwords.
Jardinia, a planet where all life is plant based, whether mobile or not. The wer, met in "Pollinations of Jardinia: Flowers of Desire," are not the only predatory species on Jardinia. Meet the snus in this short horror story. What happens when a flos leaves her Garden? It depends on if she keeps company, and how careful she is. Horror warning: Snus tend to eat flos. 

Teresa Garcia has also released a small collection of spirit and dragon stories, "Stories of Spirits" and is also available in several ereader formats.
Five short stories of dragon spirits and ancestors, in a Japanese milleau. Some are set in ancient times, others are more modern. Each short story that has new vocabulary has a mini-glossary of Japanese terms that were utilized. Includes: "Ancestors," "Dragon Dance," "So Close, So Far," "Dark and Light," and "Watcher."

We are also still collecting dragon stories and poetry for the anthology "The Dragons' Beads: A Treasury."  Essays, if sent, will not be turned away though, and writers of all ages are welcome, though we are particularly interested in displaying young author's works to help them.  Submissions will close at the end of July 2013, to give plenty of time, so if you want to share the news with you school, feel free to.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Selkies' Skins, Installment 19 is live

I am sorry for the delay in posting, but I did not have as much time to write as normal, nor the internet service, due to my move to a new apartment.  Installment 19 (Chapter 14 part two) is now available on the usual venues.

Archival site: Selkies Skins (Chapter 14: The Rig, part two)
Live Journal: Selkies Skins (Chapter 14: The Rig, part two)
Dreamwidth: Selkies Skins (Chapter 14: The Rig, part two)

Or you can start at the beginning by visiting the web fiction guide launch page for the story.

What happens while Etain is on the oil rig?  You'll have to read to find out.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Logo Update

Thank you to independent author and artist Marantha D Janelle (Homeward Bound, The Ihmayran Chronicles) for taking the time to do an update for the THG StarDragon Publishing logo.  I will work on using the new logo at the various locations when I have the time to update pages, and get the image to the host of the main publisher site.

Want a look?

This is at the size that most of the sites have it at.

So this will also be on future book covers as well.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

McCloud Fireman's Association calendars are in

The calendars look great.  They feature a very nice shot of the engine and the mountain.  This one is the first one that I was able to afford an ad on, and it looks good as well, and the price of the ad goes to helping support our firefighters so they can keep responding to fires, medical emergencies, and digging little old ladies out of the snow after a blizzard.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Installment 18 for Selkies' Skins is up

In Selkies' Skins, we rejoin Etain for her part of the story.  She finds yet another duty to tend to before she can even think of continuing on her way home, after talking with a very iritated Triton.  What does she find, and what has she gotten into now?

Read the latest installment for free at:
Story Site
Live Journal

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dragon Shaman: Book Two The Smoky Mirror available on Amazon

It has taken a while to get the book over there, but Dragon Shaman book two is finally available on Amazon.  The paperback version is even cheaper on there, considerably.


It is also available on Smashwords, and still available through Lulu.  Due to Lulu's higher costs, books through that print facility will still retain their higher price, so I suggest purchasing your copy on Amazon (either paperback or Kindle) or Smashwords (several ebook formats).

The second edition of Dragon Shaman: Book One Taming the Blowing Wind is also currently available at Smashwords.  Right now that has a version of the original cover.  When Victoria Davis is finished with the recover, I will upload the new cover, and those that purchase it now on Smashwords will then be able to have both the new and old covers.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Editing and Housecleaning

Something that I personally have noticed a connection between is the editing process and house cleaning.  I don't know how many people have noticed this, so maybe, if you're one of those lucky people that don't have trouble with keeping things clear and spiffy, this won't apply to you.

A big thing is clutter.  Excess toys and knicknacks.  Some people like this and won't feel comfortable if the room they are in isn't filled with these things.  Other people detest them and get nervous if there are more than a few.  So it is a matter of personal taste, unless it's at a level where one can't even move.  Now, these can equate to points, plots, and subpoints in your story  For example, I get bored if a story is too simple.  Children's books usually need to be, unless you're writing for older children... advanced kids will be picking up advanced books early.  So when I'm reading for personal pleasure, I want something intricate, full of plot turns, and if there are plot holes, I like to see those apparent holes get filled in later on in ways that make me go "Holey Moley, that is AWESOME, well played."  You want enough to keep things interesting, but if you're going to have tons, then it is a good idea to pare down or make separate books.  You want a good flow and a good challenge.  Also, how well these are handled is important as well.

Then you've got your typos and the little grammar problems, such as there, their, and they're.  These are important, and nothing looks worse (at least to me) than misusing a word.  There are lots of people with spelling problems.  That is what the proofing process is for.  If you are a terrible speller or know you confuse those (and even if not) then once you finish and have proofread and edited your own work, have someone else look at it that you know IS good with these, several when possible.

This is why every title submitted to me is required to go through editing with either myself or Faith (often, both, though the time-fee stays the same unless it's an intensive revision/proof).  Those things are like the dust that slip through the cracks and the dustbunnies under the couch.  They are everywhere, but need to be looked for.  Our brains have auto correct, and an author isn't going to catch them all.

So what makes for an easier to follow book?

  • Reduce the unnecessary
  • Dust out your typos
  • Make sure things flow properly
If something has to be moved from kitchen to living room, do so.  If you've got this great subplot, use it by all means, but if it would work better in another spot, try rewriting that section.  This applies for not just your stories, but if you are a college or university student writing papers every two weeks (or spaced out more if you're lucky), do not be afraid to revise.  If I were to put all the essays that I have written for university to date into one project folder, I'd have enough to write a textbook of my own in Asian Studies.  Granted, even with most of them receiving A grades, they are not perfect and could still stand some revision.

Finally, one more similarity between housecleaning and editing.  Most people don't like to do it.  But it is necessary to make things look their best.

Thank you for listening to today's post.  I encourage conversation, so if there is anything you would like to add, or something you'd like to debate a bit, feel free to comment.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Chapter 13 of Selkies' Skins now available

Chapter 13: Out in the Storm from the free to read web serial novel "Selkies' Skins" is now live on LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, and the serial stories site.

Join Kirsty Makay as she balances her school life, friends, and special training for her role as a waterwitch and future priestess of the waters and life under Mara and the mysterious Lady of the Well.  In this episode, she must steal her way out to care for David during his transformation.  Will she make it to the sanctuary?  Or will something go awry?

If you like the story, don't forget to send a tip (if you can) or cast a vote for it at top web fiction, via the vote link at the bottom of the installment.  There are also other works from other authors on the web fiction guide.

Read chapter 13 now at:
Teresa Garcia Serials

or navigate the story via chapter listing.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

More things today!

Today has been a busy day.  In addition to having migrated both of Steven Disney's books to Smashwords for distribution (to make for more formats for our readers, not just the main two in ebooks), Elizabeth Buckley's work has also been migrated.

Call of the Kami has been opened up for audiobook narration, and I am still working on getting Dragon Shaman: The Smoky Mirror over to ACX for audiobook production as well.  Later on, Call of the Kami will also be migrated to the Smashwords distribution page.

I am looking forward to getting back to working on the Selkies' Skins webserial and Dragon Shaman: The Forge and Well again though.

Dragon Shaman: Taming the Blowing Wind audiobook

Still looking for someone to record the audiobook version of Dragon Shaman: Taming the Blowing Wind.  This is a good opportunity to start an at home career and get residual royalties for a long term income, and there are many other titles from other publishers and authors that are available at this creation site.  Become part of our team!

Follow the Link to audition for our first audiobook.  Other titles will be opening too, eventually.

Monday, July 30, 2012


It feels a bit odd that, when I open the publishing mailbox, to think "This is where I look for submissions, supplies, and book proofs."  It is even odder to see that yellow slip of paper telling me to go into the office and get a box of something that was too big to fit, and know "this is that new proof I was waiting on.  It's here."  Odder yet is to go in and say "Hey guys, how's it going?  I do believe you've got a book proof for me to look over."

I handed daughter her mail from our personal box, and I opened the box for work right there in the car in front of the post office.  I like the book from the Createspace printer better than the Lulu.  The paper feels better, and the volume actually is thinner, though the book is the same...  Even the cover has a better feel to the touch.  I can ask lower prices for something that just feels better.  So, though I will keep Lulu as a printer and distributor, it is looking very like this other one is preferable now (despite the entity it is connected with).  Lower prices is more likely to mean more sales.  I even like this ink better that was used, it looks crisper.

*sigh* Migrations though...  However, with this in mind, the new edition of the Dragon Shaman's book one that was intended just for ebook looks very like I will do print as well, then launch that together once Salaiek is done with the recover.

This just feels weird.

It was very nice to be stopped by the neighbor currently reading the first book to be told how much he is enjoying it.  He made me blush when he told me how excited he was that he had learned a new word that he had needed to look up.  It makes me happy to know that my intentions are being met and appreciated.

It's just getting the book to those in the niche.

At the Fiesta

So, Fiesta is over, and I'm BUSHED.

Sales were not as high as I'd hoped, but well enough considering the area, and where our booth was located.  I got to talk to a lot of people and promote not only my books, but the books of the others, including the ones I currently didn't have stock with me for but are available online.  I got to talk to several people about the audiobook opening and the anthology, and passed out flyers on that.  There were also free bookmarks and bumper stickers (I want to clear out current stock of bumper stickers to make way for new ones).  All in all, it was not a bad event for us, all things considered.  I learned some valuable lessons that will help out, and we experimented with table layouts and how they either drew or repelled people.  Sam and I want to save up to go to one of the cons, and are thinking about what would need to be done to organize an art and book expo in this area.

I'm thinking bookboards for next time to display books.  Anyone out there that has gone to expos, cons, etc before to sell/promote their books and wares, tips that worked for you would be welcome so we can try them next time.

Yes Vad, there's going to be a next time.  Sorry dear.  Publisher hat means I've got to wear the Marketing hat too for myself and the other authors with me.  Publisher hat is heavy...

I wish my sister's cake booth had done better, but there are other events.  She was not properly sited, and we don't know why.  She had lots of cake left over at the end which she passed out, so people ended up with free samples and are looking forward to more for next time.  One lady bought almost a whole cake after eating her free slice.  I'm thinking that if there were some way we could do free samples and keep track of who already had some, that might help...

Yesterday was my brother's birthday also.  I still have to get pictures off my phone to the computer (which is a hassle because it's a trackfone phone, and they don't do the internet, and it won't let me email pics to myself...).  He was not enjoying working on his birthday, and I can't blame him.  Working the gas station had to be insane.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

At the McCloud Fiesta

A good time was had at the Fiesta, and there are pictures to post later, once I have them off of my phone. Many new people were met, and it was good to talk to everyone about our various books, authors, and cover artists. Flyers about the dragon anthology were also passed out (I'm still accepting submissions) as well as about the audiobook narrator opening.

Also, the main site's information will need updating to include information on Bonnie Brown (editor Faith's daughter) who is one of the artists I will be going to when cover art is needed and our first choice artist has too much on her plate.  Samantha Buckley will also be needing her bio included (our other new artist) as she will be both a cover artist as well, and also doing her manga through us.  Sara Foster is also joining the group, as an independent photographer that will be contacted when a project requires her services.

Our title catalogs are also needing updating, as several titles have been released SINCE the site redesign, and this information will be provided to our very generous webhost once I have had the opportunity to get it all typed and proofed.

Do not forget to look for us on Facebook, and twitter!

Friday, July 27, 2012

McCloud Logger's Fiesta is starting Today

Ok, so here's what's going down at the Park, according to what's posted on the MCCRC Facebook Page.  Time to head off to do preparations stuff.  Look for me (Teresa Garcia), Samantha Buckley with her art, and Elizabeth Buckley with her poetry.  Those interested might even luck out and I might do some reading from one of my titles that I'll have there, or from Selkies' Skins, which I will be bringing with me to work on future episodes during downtime.

Farg, didn't get the bookmarks made...

McCloud 65th Annual Lumberjack Fiesta
Schedule of Events
(Some times are subject to change)

Friday July 27th

Vendor Booths Open 6:00pm
Little Miss Fiesta/Little Logger Contest 6:00pm
McClouds own Michael Jackson Impersonator ( Jadan )
Following with a dance contest
age groups-- walking to 4yrs, 5- 8, 9-12 and 13- 16yrs
Papa Anderson Memorial Softball Tournament Begins 6:00pm
Music : WildWoman sounds, Geeia will be digitally
mastering the tunes 8:00pm-Midnight

Saturday July 28th

American Legion Chuela Post #92 Pancake Breakfast
(at the American Legion) 7:00am-11:00am
Vendor Booths Open 8:00am
Papa Anderson Memorial Softball Tournament 8:00am
Parade on Main Street 11:00am
Trophies Immediately Following at Hoo-Hoo Park
Harold Benedict Memorial Horseshoe Tournament (singles) 1:00pm
Junior Axe Throw Sign-Ups 12:00pm
Competition Begins at 1:00pm
Music : WildWoman sounds, Geeia will be digitally
mastering the tunes 8:00pm-Midnight

Sunday July 29th

American Legion Chuela Post #92 Pancake breakfast
(at the American Legion) 7:00am-11:00am
Vendor Booths Open 8:00am
Papa Anderson Memorial Softball Tournament 8:00am
Harold Benedict Memorial Horseshoe Tournament (doubles) 11:00am
Adult Amateur logging show sign-ups 11:00am
Competition Begins at 12:00pm
Powder Puff/Men's/Business Person's/Professional axe throwing,
double and single buck, jack and jill and jill and jill. choker setting.
Watermelon eating contest 1:00 pm
Possible Melodrama ????

Kids activities, Giant waterslides, watermelon eating contest all kids are invited to participate in kids events.
Adults are invited to sign-up to participate in the Horseshoe Tournament, Adult logging show
VOLUNTEERS are most needed at 4-6 pm for clean up on Sunday 29th. We are so tired and want to go home also.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Selkies' Skins and an Audiobook Narrator opening

The webserial "Selkies' Skins" by Teresa Garcia is up to chapter 12.  You can read that either on the dedicated website for her serial stories, or at Dreamwidth or LiveJournal.

I am also looking for a narrator for Dragon Shaman: Taming the Blowing Wind.  Later, I would like to have Dragon Shaman: The Smoky Mirror also converted to audiobook format, as well as the other titles that will be available in the Dragon Shaman series.

Those that are interested in auditioning should stop in at the ACX listing.  All auditions will be listened to promptly.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Question and a Promotional Interlude (or dreaded commercial)

Question is at the bottom.

There are now a total of three stand alone children's short stories in "The Adventures of Lightning the Cat" that I am distributing through Smashwords. Two of them are free, while one is normally a $.99 download. Starting now and until July 31, if you use code SSWIN you will be able to get "Lightning's Job" free, as part of the Smashwords summer sale.

Q: But T, you've published through Lulu for so long with THG StarDragon Publishing? Why are you starting to put ebooks over on Smashwords?
A: Smashwords makes more formats available than just .pdf or .epub, and different ereaders need different file types. Since I can still get the ebooks into the main publishing channels with this e-printer, and the coupon process is so easy for when I want to do promotion prices, it makes sense.

Q: So... what happens with the ebooks you've go up at Lulu?

A: They will stay there. But revisions I will do at Smashwords, and that way if someone is particularly attached the old version will still be available, since Lulu's ebooks don't keep an old version available if I redo a book there. And for the ebooks already extant, I will get those transferred over and set so that the currently unavailable formats become available.
Q: So... what about print books?
A: You'll still find the print books at Lulu. All my print versions I'll use Lulu as my printer/distributor.

Q: Any plans for audiobooks?
A: Yeah, I've been thinking about it. I've had several people interested in audio version since they do so much driving and want to read my books, but only have the time to be read to. I have to do more research though and figure out how I'd fund it (taking volunteers on readers).

Q: Posting the next segment of Selkies' Skins?
A: Sunday sometime.

Question for the readers:
Do you want the segments short like I have been doing, long, one chapter at a time no matter how long, or does it matter?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Books to be on sale at Lumberjack Fiesta

My Niece (Sam Buckley) is having a table at Fiesta. Those in the McCloud CA area will be able to find some of my books, her artwork, and some copies of her sister's (Elizabeth Buckley) poetry book at the Fiesta on July 27. I do believe the plan is a table for all three days, 27 though 29. Whether or not I will be there personally depends on factors such as children behaving (mostly youngest child) and whether or not I am traveling for family matters that week.

Curious about the events lineup? Check out the McCloud Community Recreation Council/Lumberjack Fiesta page on Facebook.

As to progress on the next installments of "Selkies' Skins," I am still working on the next chapter. My apologies to anyone that has been waiting. On the upside, I am still within my hoped for minimum posting schedule on it. The next chapter is going back to Etain's experiences.

Original posting is found at

Please also support me at

Deviant Art:


Publishing Blog:

Copy/paste if links break.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

THG StarDragon Publishing Website update complete

It bears mentioning that Victoria Davis, Rowan Wookey, and Matt Land have finished with the revamp for the publishing website, updating the content and given the site a better face, as well as adding a shopping cart for those that would like to order books from my site and have the option of getting signed copies of most of the available titles.

THG StarDragon Publishing

Thank you all.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"The Dragons' Beads: A Treasury" current guidlines (open to all ages)

THG StarDragon Publishing is gathering submissions from authors and poets of all ages (including children) for “The Dragons' Beads: A Treasury”. We are suspending the former page limit, as it was proving difficult for some to feel comfortable constraining themselves. Please make submissions on standard sized (8.5 by 10 in) or A4 paper, or at a similar size in .doc, or .odt, format if submitting digitally. Digital submission is preferred to minimize retyping. CD media format is also accepted.

When submitting, please include your age so that submissions can be filed in the correct project.

The theme for the anthology is dragons, so let your imagination run wild... Use them as main characters or supporting characters, good, evil, or in between. Lazy or brave, Western, Eastern, extraterrestrial or from the depths of the sea, we want your dragons! Out of all the submissions, we are hoping to select 10 short stories and 10 poems will be selected. THG StarDragon Publishing reserves to right to choose more to fill the book depending on the length of the chosen submissions.

This will be THG StarDragon Publishing's first anthology by (hopefully) young readers for young readers. Given the age level intended, ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE APPROPRIATE FOR GENERAL AUDIENCES. Depending on the success, more anthologies may be forthcoming in the future from the press. Editing will be done by Teresa "Amehana" Garcia (author of the ongoing Dragon Shaman series) and Faith Lindgren-Brown (editor for Dragon Shaman 2 and the forthcoming titles of the series). Cover artist is Victoria "Salaiek" Tuarann Davis, who has also done art for the Dragon Hearts RPG and for Dragon Shaman 2.

Please, do not submit fanfiction to this anthology.
Please send submissions by July 31st, 2013. 

To submit
Please mail paper or CD media submissions to:
THG StarDragon Publishing
Attn: Teresa Garcia
PO Box 249
McCloud, Ca 96057

Or email as a .doc, or .odt attachment to:
ladyrainstardragon @

(please remove spaces, those were added to cut down somewhat on spam mail)
subject line: Submission for The Dragons' Beads

Please note, original copies or disks will not be returned, so please keep a copy for yourself. Deadline for submissions is currently suspended, so this is open until we have enough submissions to go to production. By sending a submission you affirm that you have parental permission to participate (in the case of young authors). Those selected for inclusion will receive a free ebook copy of the book and will be eligible for a discount on the print book when ordering through email. Should the anthology sell well enough, each participant will also receive a small cash prize, so please include a mailing address to be kept on file.
Feel free to circulate this announcement freely to any and all that may have interest.
Currently Available titles:
We are also interested in other submissions. Please feel free to email, just be sure to include a subject line "manuscript submission query" to prevent your submission from being overlooked or filed as spam by the email filter.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"The Beast, the Hope, the Only Sun" is released!

We are pleased to announce that Elizabeth Buckley's poetry collection "The Beast, the Hope, the Only Sun" is now available. Thanks also goes out to Rowan Wookey for his help in getting the final cover's bumps worked out. A collection of poems about some of her characters, it is also the story of moving through depression into the light. We hope that you enjoy this.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lulu is running a mystery sale until April 6th.  For the first time, they aren't even requiring people to register in order to buy and take advantage of the savings.  In order to find out how much you will save, simply put books in your cart, and check out.  You will be told in your cart how much your discount will be, as it will supposedly vary.  This is a good time to pick up the books published so far in my Dragon Shaman series, or pick up some poetry.  Best of all, it's site wide, if there are other authors or publishers you want to pick up as well.

Also, Elizabeth Buckley's poetry book, "The Beast, the Hope, the Only Sun" is in the final phases, I am just waiting on the proof copy so that I can check everything printed the way intended.  Once that is approved, we can release it.  I am very much looking forward to that day.

I am currently working on the fifth installment for "Selkies' Skins" and expect to have that posted on my Dreamwidth soon.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Current Serial Stories

Currently I have two tales that I plan to write in serial installments, then convert to ebook once done.

One is called "Shen's Tale" and will center around a wandering mystic in the area of McCloud, and her encounters with the local spirits... and a quest to set to rest a dark shadow.  The big question is, exactly how old is this mystic, and how is she going to do what the local spirits will ask?  This will have some tie ins with my Dragon Shaman series of novels.

The other is "Selkies' Skins" and I expect it to mostly center around Kirsten (Kirsty) and Etain, two part selkies living in the modern era. The world is influenced by the Harry Potter novels in part, but also by Celtic mythology of Selkies. The main stories told will be Etain's work as a water witch, her work as a bridge between the Selkies of her area and wizarding society, and Kirsty's own quest toward gaining her own sealskin.  Of course, with the fact that their duties lay around water, there is the inevitable problem of dealing with non magic humans as well...

Both can be followed at My Creative Space although I might also choose to mirror them here.  I am still undecided on that.

I am also still accepting submissions for the dragon anthology "The Dragons' Beads: An Anthology."

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Perceptions of the Mind by Steven Disney now Available

Both Print and Ebook versions of Steven Disney's "Perceptions of the Mind" are now currently available in the Lulu outlet.  The Ebook is pending for Barnes & Noble and the iBookstore.  I am also working on a version for Kindle.  The Kindle release will take longer though.  I am not sure about releasing on Smashwords, but might, so that it is available to those that don't want to go through Lulu or B&N.

Once I have more time, the other available titles, both from myself and from Steven, will eventually make their way to Kindle.  However, homework first before I press on more with conversions and uploads.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Perceptions of the Mind: Proof Copy Received

Today I received the proof copy of Steven Disney's second poetry book, "Perceptions of the Mind."  Overall, I am pleased with how it looks on paper, though there are a few layout problems (read as bottom margin and some font size) that I would like to tweak a bit before releasing the book as ready for the public.  I am also very pleased with the look of the cover, which though slightly more ornate than his first collection, makes a very nice segue into a more visual space.

And saying this publicly, because Vadise deserves some credit now and then...  Monochrome was a very good idea for the cover design.  The author was very happy with how it looked digitally, I know he's really going to love how it looks in the physical.

Friday, February 3, 2012

There is good news and bad news.

The good news is that  Steven Disney's second poetry book is very near being ready for the proof print.  Hopefully class does not interfere with the speed of the process too much.

The bad news is that Marantha Jennelle will not be publishing "The Ihmareean Chronicles" with us after all, due to her manuscript not being finished as well as a few other difficulties.  However, when she does have it see publishing, we are quite happy to point people to where to find it, and wish her the best of luck in getting it through one of the larger publishing groups.