Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Friday, December 21, 2012

Audiobook (The Adventures of Lightning the Cat) release and news

Lightning the Cat:

So the first collection of Lightning's mini adventures is now available to purchase on audio, narrated by myself.  The audiobook contains:
Lightning's Job
The Battle of the Tomato
and Disarmament

These mini stories are snippets from Lightning's exploits, meant to entertain Children as well as to bring awareness to the fact that service animals can be more than dogs... and have their own opinions about what is going on.  I already have people waiting for more short shorts about the cat and his exploits.  I do have more to write, but there are other projects higher on the priority list.

On Amazon

It has not yet gone live on the iBookstore, though ACX did send it there, so if you shop on that site, it should turn up later on.
Print and ebook versions are also available.

Call of the Kami:

The narrator has been sick, so we are running behind schedule for the first 15 minutes and hoping that she will still be able to make the agreed completion date.  So let's all pray that her throat heals and that she gets better.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another Audio Narrator Opening - Stories of Sprits

Stories of Spirits is now available on Amazon, in both Kindle and Paperback (via Createspace) format.  This means that it is now also available on ACX for audiobook production.

Current books looking for someone to narrate and record:

Stories of Spirits
Dragon Shaman Book One (Taming the Blowing Wind)
Dragon Shaman Book Two (The Smoky Mirror)

If you sign up through ACX to narrate, you will be paid your royalty share direct from them (though still there is a minimum amount to accrue before the first payment).  There are also many other books in their production system that need voices, so there is plenty of work offered by other publishers as well.  This is an excellent opportunity if you must stay at home, but still want or need to be able to work.  The process is actually fairly simple (especially if you download a program like Audacity to use) and ACX has tips on their site for first time narrators.  I recorded the first collection of The Adventures of Lightning the Cat (which is currently in the "heading to retail" process now, being made ready for Amazon) as both a gift for my daughter and as a way to test the process from the producer/narrator end.

Still working on widening distribution for Steven Disney's poetry

One of the projects I'm finishing up is getting both Steven Disney's poetry books onto Amazon into both print and ebook formats.  It has been more than long enough, his books should have made it over from Lulu, and I was assured they would be when participating in distribution and using them as the primary book distributor for the publishing.

They haven't, except for the tranfers I did myself.  Part of it may be the very niche nature of his poetry (the trials and joys of gay life).  Still, I find it aggravating.

So currently, Steven Disney's works can be found on Lulu still, and on Smashwords, which distributes also to other estores (including B&N ebooks).  I will update this listing when his titles go live on Amazon, but if you have a favorite bookstore and want a copy, go and ask.

On Amazon:
Mend this Heart: The First Year (Kindle)
Mend this Heart: The First Year (paperback)
The paperback I am waiting on the proof copy to arrive.  The Kindle version has a rights review step to go through.  If need be I will pull out my evidence and/or get the author to send a letter.

Perceptions of the Mind (Kindle)
Perceptions of the Mind (paperback)
Perceptions will later go to Createspace for Amazon after reformatting

On Lulu:
Mend this Heart (PDF)
Mend this Heart (paperback)

Perceptions of the Mind (Epub)
Perceptions of the Mind (paperback)

On Smashwords:
Mend this Heart: The First Year (all ebook formats)
Perceptions of the Mind (all ebook formats)
Note: Prices are very low for these on Smashwords until January 1st (for holiday season) and then will go back up to normal.  The more books sell this season, the more he'll have in his account that I can send him for his royalties).

Direct orders are also available, by email, and I will invoice you. If given a subject box, please type "book order" so that it will not be disregarded as possible spam.  Payment must be received before shipping.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Website Updated

The main THG StarDragon Publishing website has been updated today by our webmaster Rowan Wookey.  Thank you Rowan.

Ayam Yogi Abraxas has been added to our authors list, the anthology page has the submission deadline on it now (July 31, 2013) and Samantha Buckley has been added as the other cover artist with us.

I have not had time yet to update properly the available works list and include all the places the books are available, that will be the next site update.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Victoria Davis' Artwork Feature

Victora Davis is one of the artists that does cover art for THG StarDragon Publishing for Teresa Garcia.  Book covers she has done so far are Dragon Shaman Book Two, and The Dragons' Beads: A Treasury, and she is doing the re-cover for Dragon Shaman Book One.

Her work is also an integral part of the British online browser based roleplaying game Dragon Hearts.  She does the seasonal images, the default profile pics, chat glyphs, and whatever else the game creator decides needs official imagery.  There are some Cafe Press stories that have her artwork for sale, though not all of the game art has gone in them.  If you play the game though and see something on the artwork page you like, you can ask and it can be added to a product for you.  Twenty five percent of all sales are split between the game and the artist, the rest goes toward the maufacture of items and the associated fees for the Cafe Press venue.

Dragon Hearts Art for sale:
Custom Items Store
Red Dragon Store
Blue Dragon Store
Purple Dragon Store
White Dragon Store
Bronze Dragon Store
Yellow Dragon Store
Green Dragon Store
Pewter Dragon Store
Obsidian's Favourites

She also has a presence on Deviant Art, as well as Imagekind.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Audio progress, manuscript progress

Other people that were also listening to the audio tracks to the first collection of the Adventures of Lightning the Cat have noted no problems.  So since all ears seem to be in agreement, the tracks have been approved, and it will be a few weeks before the audiobook process for that will be complete.  It is probably going to be the only audiobook that I personally narrate, due to how tricky it is here to find good recording time.

I'm still waiting for the first 15 minutes of Call of the Kami, which should be ready for me to check by the 16th.

Ayam Yogi Abraxas' contract returned in the mail today, all that needs doing is having another party verify they saw it as signed.  But I'm ill right now, so that will have to wait till I can get out of the house to do that.  I should be able to start editing and preparing AyaMayA as soon as he delivers me the version that he wants me to work on.

What is current in the Selkies' Skins manuscript is ready to go to Faith for editing (including final checks on section one of what is available on the website) in getting that part ready for ebook.  As I am sick though, it will have to wait another bit before I take her the binder for her magic and fresher eyes.  Hopefully tomorrow.

Class started again for me yesterday, and so I am embarking study in the real of International Organization, which looks interesting and brings me closer to the end of this degree.

Nomination rounds in the #ANA2012 contest have ended.  I did not secure a nomination or a wildcard, but I also do not feel that I placed badly when taking into account how many competitors there were, or that I was even selected to have my story compete at all.  I doubt that I will partake in #ANA2013 though.  The social networking ate too much productivity time.  If I had spent more time hawking it all over I might have placed better (or maybe not) but that was still time that could have been used elsewhere.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

And after the Kickstarter... yep still busy here.

Tomorrow is the first day of my next class, International Organizations.  It looks to be an interesting eight weeks, looking at the book.  I see a section on copyright, which I'm definitely looking forward to, as I hope that will help me more for my international author and in the international publishing.  I'm very glad that a very special friend some few years ago told me about the American Public University so that I could go further in my education despite my family situation.  Not only will it help my writing, and help in the publishing world, it brings me closer to a childhood dream.

I'm waiting on a few more replies from my Kickstarter backers, and getting to work on the parts of the packages that are to be delivered early.  Marantha Dreamweaver Jenelle had given me many backgrounds to use for my stories and poetry.  The backers that get a poem and a story respectively will be getting their hardcopies using those backgrounds.  Depending what format they choose for their ecopies, they will also get that on those as well.

More information about how to get your own can be found here.  She has a HUGE library of suitable backgrounds and images that she has created, and you might even be able to get her to design custom stationery if you were to ask about it.  I mean huge.  She filled my inbox to overfull when giving me copies, so she's got to have something suitable to any project you have.  And she is very creative, so there's always more coming.

Work on the postcard drawings will be starting soon as well, I am just waiting on stock to arrive.  I'll be contacting my editor soon to have her go over section one so that I can get the ecopies of the available installments in the webnovel out to the backers in January.