So, this coming year is going to be busy:
1. Selkies' Skins Project:
Selkies' Skins will have the first section of the story (all the released serial episodes from start to Dec 1, 2012... plus perhaps a surprise) released in a mini volume to the Kickstarter backers in January 2013. Other items to go out in January are icon sized and computer backgrounds of story related art and postcards with messages and custom art on the backs.
The Kickstarter also generated one story and one poem to be fulfilled
Selkies' Skins full book to be finished, edited, covered, and released in December 2013 to certain project backers. After theirs are fulfilled, it opens up for everyone else to order.
There are just a few hours left, so if you're thinking about contributing and securing some rewards, now's the time.
2. AyaMayA
AyaMayA by Ayam Yogi Abraxas to be finished, edited, covered, and released in November 2013.
3. Dragon Shaman
Still waiting on cover art from Victoria "Salaiek" Davis for the second edition of Dragon Shaman Book One, which fixes some mistakes that were found in the first edition. Once I receive the cover art for the second edition, I can release that.
4. Audiobooks
Still need narration for books one and two of Dragon Shaman. Audiobook for The Adventures of Lightning the Cat is being worked on, and probably the only one I will voice myself, unless I adapt "The Little Blue Rosebud" for the children as well. Considering having Steven Disney's two poetry books adapted for audio.
Any other projects accepted will be slated to see work start in 2014, as I need to keep time open for school and vetting audiobooks once I can get the audiobook projects a narrator. This way I can ensure the projects will have enough time to receive proper attention. This also gives time for people interested in making submissions plenty of time to do any preliminary revisions before showing me or submitting inquiries.
Friday, November 30, 2012
A look at the coming year

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Selkies' Skins Kickstarter update, Call of the Kami, Dragon Shaman
Forty-nine hours as of now left on the Kickstarter for Selkies' Skins. Currently a total of $251 has been pledged. Not only will it fund on Dec 1st, but we reached one of the stretch goals. The cover art for the print edition of the book will be covered (depending on the artist's work, the current cover for the ebook edition may wind up as an inside cover or an end page for continuity's sake). I'm very pleased by this, as it means that I'm not having to dig in my personal slush fund as deeply to bring this project to the market.Will we be able to hit the next stretch goal ($626 total) in time to afford paying a narrator up front for an audio version, instead of having to do a royalty share agreement? Let's find out! If we don't manage to get all the way to that stretch goal, there are other aspects of the project that the extra cash can help cover or reimburse, or we might even generate enough to still make a tidy up front payment to entice an excellent voice with (and if you've got a narrator suggestion in mind, or someone itching to do it, let me know and I'll look for them once Selkies' is in the ACX system).
Call of the Kami:
In a couple weeks, the poetry book "Call of the Kami" will have the first 15 minutes of audio ready for me to check and approve. Andrea Missias and I are pretty excited about this. Considering how old the poetry is now, and what a different frame of mind I was in when writing those poems, I'm very interested to hear her rendition of them.Dragon Shaman:
I'm still looking for voice talent for recording the first and second book in the Dragon Shaman series. My friend Travers Stevenson was going to see about doing it, but I've not heard from him or received any audition yet on the project. So in the interim, I am still open to auditions on both projects.Dragon Shaman: Taming the Blowing Wind
Dragon Shaman: The Smoky Mirror

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Selkies' Skins update and update on ANA2012
The final installment for section one of Selkies' Skins has gone to both of the journal archives and the archive website for the webnovel. There are five days left to take part in the Kickstarter to get final editing (once the full novel is ready for Faith), contribute toward paying the cover artist for the print version, a possible audiobook, and to get rewards for yourselves.
The sections of the story may or may not end up breaking the same in the novel. For the webversion in the archive, this is being sectioned for navigation's sake so that readers will have an easier time picking up where they left off. The story still has a way to go before we are finished with it.
Selkies' Skins on Livejournal
Selkies' Skins on Dreamwidth
Selkies Skins on Teresa Garcia's Serial Stories
In other news, Kiss Cursed Princess has fallen from 111th to 132 place. This is out of 415 though, there are many authors in the America's Next Author contest. You still have time to go and vote for this week's nominee, and next week will seen another nominee voted into the finalist rounds.
I also look forward to seeing the revised manuscript of AyaMayA by Ayam Yogi Abraxas soon.
The sections of the story may or may not end up breaking the same in the novel. For the webversion in the archive, this is being sectioned for navigation's sake so that readers will have an easier time picking up where they left off. The story still has a way to go before we are finished with it.
Selkies' Skins on Livejournal
Selkies' Skins on Dreamwidth
Selkies Skins on Teresa Garcia's Serial Stories
In other news, Kiss Cursed Princess has fallen from 111th to 132 place. This is out of 415 though, there are many authors in the America's Next Author contest. You still have time to go and vote for this week's nominee, and next week will seen another nominee voted into the finalist rounds.
I also look forward to seeing the revised manuscript of AyaMayA by Ayam Yogi Abraxas soon.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Friday, November 16, 2012
An update on the story in #ANA2012
"Kiss Cursed Princess" by Teresa Garcia is currently at 95th place in the running for a nomination slot in the America's Next Author contest. This week, they have started asking each of the contestants two questions for mini interviews. It is my understanding that the questions will change each week now.
Below, I'll give the two questions asked, and how I would have liked to answer them. The official responses had to be much much shorter, as we were only allowed 250 characters per question. Certainly not enough to both answer and show our personalities.
So what got submitted for the official answers? Click here to find out. While you're there, share my story (it's free to read) with your friends, leave your feedback, and of course vote if you like it (or if you think it stinks, there's an option for that too in the dropdown box). Voting's weekly.
Below, I'll give the two questions asked, and how I would have liked to answer them. The official responses had to be much much shorter, as we were only allowed 250 characters per question. Certainly not enough to both answer and show our personalities.
Question 1What is the best writing advice you've ever heard?A:It was my senior year of high school. Before English class (and before the other students had come in) I had presented one of my new poems to the instructor, Ms. Silva, for her feedback. I was worrying about the delivery and motifs being too cliche, since I intended to have it published under the pen name I was using at the time. She had already seen me working on a project I intended to be a series of novels in my free time. To my surprise, she was eager to see both published, and whenever I brought a project to her for feedback, the editing suggestions were always made very kindly, she's tell me my weak points and make suggestions, then show me my strengths too. It had gotten so that she would do it with my vocabulary sentences as well, because I would use those assignments to practice short stories as a way to keep things interesting for the both of us. Her best advice, echoed by Ms. Akridge, another teacher that handled several subjects, was "just keep writing."
So I do.Question 2When you start a new story do you prepare an outline in advance or do you just jump right in?A:Sometimes I'll start a new story with an outline, and sometimes I won't. If it is a novel, I generally have an idea, and things fall into place a chapter or so in... then I'll write out the chapter outline and work from there. Rarely, I'll draft a full outline before I start, but then I generally end up rewriting several more times than usual because I'll be fighting overstructuring. "Kiss Cursed Princess," which is what I submitted for this contest, is an example o writing without a formal outline, as is "The Little Blue Rosebud" that I published many years ago under a pen name. My novels in the Dragon Shaman series, and Selkies' Skins, all have outlines.
So what got submitted for the official answers? Click here to find out. While you're there, share my story (it's free to read) with your friends, leave your feedback, and of course vote if you like it (or if you think it stinks, there's an option for that too in the dropdown box). Voting's weekly.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Selkie's Kickstarter Update and background image done
So, the desktop background reward for the Selkies' Skins Kickstarter is
ready. I decided, since no one had chipped in just on the $1 or $5
level, that since at $5 backers not only get their name listed as a
backer, but a copy of the background, that I would make a very small
size of the image available to the $1 backers, so that there will be
something more substantial.
The image itself I'm keeping under wraps for now, till time to send them out. There is a sample posted on a backer only update (and with the big old "sample" stamp over it).
We're at 18 days to go, and $20 left to raise before time runs out. If we don't meet that minimum pledged on Kickstarter, no one is charged for their pledges (and I'll have to figure out other methods of covering base costs).
The image itself I'm keeping under wraps for now, till time to send them out. There is a sample posted on a backer only update (and with the big old "sample" stamp over it).
We're at 18 days to go, and $20 left to raise before time runs out. If we don't meet that minimum pledged on Kickstarter, no one is charged for their pledges (and I'll have to figure out other methods of covering base costs).

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Possible new title
Ayam Yogi Abraxas submitted his manuscript "Ayamaya" for me to look over. We are currently negotiating terms, but I would very much like to be the publisher he ultimately chooses.
In his words:
I have deeply studied the Kabballah, (as I was instructed to within dreams) , and I have demonstrated within this work how it combines Quantum Physics, Psychology, Kundalini Shakti Chakra Yoga, Tarot, Magick, Shamanism and Taoism into a practical system for understanding and then working with reality.
Ayamaya demonstrates the unity underlying eastern and western religions, and explains many of the paradoxes of sub-atomic particle physics and psychology through dream metaphors. Practical instructions are given on how every reader may experience this state of consciousness, in order to verify the information themselves. Furthermore, they are then shown how to apply the lessons learned through lucid dreaming to the art of manifestation, using the law of attraction in reality.He also goes into the Tarot, the journey of the Pharaoh, and alchemy, among several other things. What I have read so far of the manuscript is fascinating. So, this is what's going on in my publishing so far that is not my own work, and is not waiting for submissions to the dragon anthology.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Kickstarter Progress
Last night I did not update here on the Kickstarter's progress for Selkies' Skins. There is $20 left to raise before I am assured of the base funds for the project. It's exciting to see how close to the mark we are coming. Eighty eight percent, with 23 days to go!
Episode 26 went out last night on the archive site and the journals. We're also very near the end of section one and getting ready to launch into section two of the story. I can't tell you how excited I am at the prospect of being able to have payment to take to the editor when it's time for final revisions, and actually being able to print the manuscript out. The other books that she has edited were all done exclusively out of pocket. In fact, all of the books through THG StarDragon Publishing have been funded from my pocket, so it's very exciting to see the Kickstarter being a full Kickstart.
Episode 26 went out last night on the archive site and the journals. We're also very near the end of section one and getting ready to launch into section two of the story. I can't tell you how excited I am at the prospect of being able to have payment to take to the editor when it's time for final revisions, and actually being able to print the manuscript out. The other books that she has edited were all done exclusively out of pocket. In fact, all of the books through THG StarDragon Publishing have been funded from my pocket, so it's very exciting to see the Kickstarter being a full Kickstart.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Selkies' Skins news
The Kickstarter for the story has 24 days to go. So far, there is $75 pledged of the needed $170 for the BASE funding need. If the minimum goal is met, no charges go through to anyone, and I receive no money to help fund the project. So I'm trying not to chew my nails over this. It is an interesting experiment to be generating funding for a project this route though.
What makes me happiest is hearing the different reactions from those that listen or read. It makes me very happy to hear from a young teen that he's enjoying it, looking forward to more, and what parts he finds amusing. I like hearing from the middle aged woman in Texas that I've got a big fan and that she looks forward to getting all my works. I like hearing that it's hitting the chords and emotions I was aiming for. And it helps me get better when I hear about what wasn't liked, what isn't working.
But right now, I'm just having fun writing about what these selkies are up to.
I'm planning on figuring out when to sit down and work on the promised desktop background for those that pledge more than $5 to the drive. I'm thinking it likely that I'll be livestreaming when I do the artwork, which means I'd have the focus on the computer screen instead (yay, I won't be in front of the camera... stage fright won't be so bad).
The story itself is growing quickly, which pleases me greatly. I'm very much looking forward to having the completed manuscript that I can take to my editor and hand over to her.
What makes me happiest is hearing the different reactions from those that listen or read. It makes me very happy to hear from a young teen that he's enjoying it, looking forward to more, and what parts he finds amusing. I like hearing from the middle aged woman in Texas that I've got a big fan and that she looks forward to getting all my works. I like hearing that it's hitting the chords and emotions I was aiming for. And it helps me get better when I hear about what wasn't liked, what isn't working.
But right now, I'm just having fun writing about what these selkies are up to.
I'm planning on figuring out when to sit down and work on the promised desktop background for those that pledge more than $5 to the drive. I'm thinking it likely that I'll be livestreaming when I do the artwork, which means I'd have the focus on the computer screen instead (yay, I won't be in front of the camera... stage fright won't be so bad).
The story itself is growing quickly, which pleases me greatly. I'm very much looking forward to having the completed manuscript that I can take to my editor and hand over to her.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Selkies' Skins' first backer!
Only a few hours in we have our first backer and are at 14% of funding.
I'm pretty excited. Thanks Tiffee Jasso! That's a copy of the ebook
spoken for, as well as a few other things.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
Kickstart some seal people! Official Selkies' Skins Kickstarter
Alright, time to unleash the... seals? What does one unleash when
sending selkies off on a running (swimming?) start to generate base
The Kickstart lasts until 10:05 AM, December 1st, and no one is charged for their pledges until then. The baseline I need is $170, and if the project doesn't get enough pledges, no one is charged and I get no money. Minimum pledge is $1, so even if you've not got a lot you can still help out with getting money for manuscript printing and paying the editor to go over it. And if you can't even spare a dollar, tell your friends about it, your family, your doctor... tell everyone. The more people know, the better.
There are a lot of reward levels, including the ability to design a character for inclusion.
I'll be updating on the project regularly, so be sure to sign up at the page to get updates! I'll send requests to the backers after project funding, and everyone that backs me gets mentioned on the story archive site, and in the print and ebook editions in a special section. 481599/selkies-skins-a-novel-of-finding-t he-self
The Kickstart lasts until 10:05 AM, December 1st, and no one is charged for their pledges until then. The baseline I need is $170, and if the project doesn't get enough pledges, no one is charged and I get no money. Minimum pledge is $1, so even if you've not got a lot you can still help out with getting money for manuscript printing and paying the editor to go over it. And if you can't even spare a dollar, tell your friends about it, your family, your doctor... tell everyone. The more people know, the better.
There are a lot of reward levels, including the ability to design a character for inclusion.
I'll be updating on the project regularly, so be sure to sign up at the page to get updates! I'll send requests to the backers after project funding, and everyone that backs me gets mentioned on the story archive site, and in the print and ebook editions in a special section.

Teresa writes mainly fantasy. Her works include poetry, short stories, and novels. She also paints, narrates on ACX, illustrates, fiddles about with ASMR readings, Reiki Master, Priestess, and is open for commission. She writes challenges for the online browser based role play of Dragon Hearts (which don’t always get coded) and administrates for Dreaming Twilight in SL. She volunteers time as curator for on-line libraries overseeing live and pre-recorded programs. She also is one of the administrators for the Nisa/Dreaming Twilight role play group and helps develop the lore for their program. In addition she is the owner/operator of THG StarDragon Publishing and a co-owner of Dragon Hearts RPG.
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