Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Friday, February 1, 2013

Musings on the arrival of the first check for The Adventures of Lightning the Cat: Collection One in audio

The first royalty check from the first collection of Lightning's Adventures on audio book was in the mail yesterday. I was very surprised to find such a big envelope folded into my little work mailbox, but it was really gratifying to see who this giant envelope was from and with my name on it. It wasn't a big check, but it certainly puts a bit toward Lightning's vet bill to help pay that down. Six copies sold last quarter, with one of those in the UK, so it was really neat to see which countries those copies went to. Hopefully those will keep selling, as The Adventures of Lightning the Cat will help toward keeping him supplied. I highly doubt that the books and audiobooks in that line will ever totally cover his needs, but each purchase we're looking at as a sign that somebody was interested enough.

This is a good example to my daughter of how things can start to pay off when sticking with them and keeping the ball rolling, so to speak. She can remember when I was still working on the first novel actually published, which especially sticks with her as working on it was concurrent with her first year that she danced at the local Sun Dance as one of the Buffalo Girls (yet another good experience for her).

Athena is working at writing down some of the adventures that she has seen, for the next set. We've decided that the next collection of three will be co-authored, as some of his adventures we both see different parts of. The next will likely deal with The Owl (that thing is huge) and possibly the snake adventure (he used to walk her to school when we first came here). She keeps getting sidetracked, which is why these two haven't been written down sooner. I don't know when they will be combed through and ready, but I've been waiting for a while for her to be ready to finish the stuff that she'd wanted support writing.

It would be kind of neat to get his stories done in children's picture book format someday, since the main audience for him was intended as kids. For now though, text only works. I have high school kids that ask me how to get a copy so they can read even, which actually surprises me a bit but also pleases me greatly.

Paperback: $4.99
Kindle: $0.99Audio: $6.95
Hm... I see Amazon hasn't linked them yet, so I've sent them a message asking them to do so.

Also available on Smashwords ($0.99) or search your favorite online bookstore as Smashwords distributes to many stores for me.

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