Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Flash Fiction Friday: Boosting Oscelot's Flash Fiction

Oscelot Haalan is also still doing her own Flash Fiction Fridays push. The below is her posting.
I thought today I would play with using an enby main character. I'm not sure if it worked considering I didn't give them a name at the beginning, so it sounds like a strange plurality, but it stands at least as an interesting experiment.-------
The world wheeled around them. Their hair blowing every way as the sidhe danced around them. The reel sped onward faster and faster, as they played furiously. Ephemeral bodies, keening their exhaustion, dropped one by one around them, then finally vanished, until there was only one left. As dawn threatened, the violinist and their violin persisted, playing steadily onward through the remaining night.
Pronunciation note: sidhe is pronounced shthee, all one syllable.

You can find the original posting here:
Please consider following her on her Patreon at 

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