Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Organization Updates on a few things.

Deviant Art Gallery and Second Life

My (Teresa Garcia) DeviantArt Gallery has been rearranged so that each media that I work with has a folder. There are still folders for such things as people, mountain scenes, foxes and the like for those looking for examples of particular items. I do not yet have folders for the particular styles that I work in for art beyond the media types there. However within Second Life the main outlet for THG StarDragon Publishing in the main building of the Nisa parcel in the Ontario sim does have a display up with art styles. This display when clicked leads to my gallery. The new outlet in the Neighberry sim also has a display up. There are two slots left to fill that I need to choose examples for or create newer examples for.

What I do in Second Life for the publishing company is combined with an avatar modding, clothing, and spiritual items shop as when I first started Arashiryuu Productions inworld I had noticed a niche that needed more items. That first "I'm not finding a lot of Shinto related things, I shall have to make some for myself I suppose" eventually is what led to "I could bring THG StarDragon Publishing inworld since there are notecard books, maybe I'll eventually get into other book forms within this virtual world platform." Not all of the books are ported into this world and this method of publication.

A new addition to the Ontario/Dreaming Twilight shop and the Neighberry shop will also be a board linking to where to get the books I've illustrated (next to my art samples since I take on commissions). After a recount of prims in the Trotsdale sim's market area shop cart I will likely place one there as well near the small sample board.

I am going to be closing the Saddlewood location once the rent on that shop runs out. In the real/analog realm (not room) I'm still operating out of my house.

Second Life outlets

Dreaming Twilight (Ontario, Main Shop):

Current Projects

I am working on the preliminary linework for a children's book entitled "Minnie's Decision" by Patsy E. Stackhouse, which I hope both the publisher and author will enjoy as it is one going through PenIt! Publications via my illustration contract with them.

I am still working my way through getting the audio for "The Ian's Realm Saga Trilogy" by D.L. Gardner finished. This is to be published independently as per my last conversation with her.

There is always poetry to be doing, I need to catch up on my goal for that. The poems get posted to my Patreon, but I need to see what needs catching up in my D.A. regarding poetry.

I intend to work more on Selkies' Skins: Temple and Skinquest. My vacation did not have much writing time. I was rather busy with other things and very firmly in an analog world. There were people there. *chuckles*

I am still open for editing and/or layout projects. I am still open for publishing projects. I've not done much in the way of work the last couple months due to having to devote most/all of my waking hours to undoing what happens when one works on projects so much there is not time to do laundry/clean. I need to pay for a dryer repair and bills somehow. Nose back to the grindstone it is.


I'd like to remind other authors and illustrators that have THG StarDragon Publishing projects that if you have done other things on your own or with other publishers please do NOT feel shy about letting me know so that I can get links to your additional work put up. Getting the information for the main site updated (oh... that means I have to find the file for the whole site and do code...) and working with the webmaster (the ever so wonderful Rowan Wookey, who is also a very good friend) to have that updated again and additional pages added is one of the goals for this year as there are some adjustments to implement.

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