Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Teresa Garcia's Poetry Reading in SL

I will be reading some of my published and unpublished poetry and discussing/chatting with attendees. This event is one of several that is planned as part of Nova Echelon / Novaya Russia's 10 year celebration.

The culture and arts division of the group has been a big support for me lately, and I have made a lot of friends through them, so it is only fitting that I help and give back some. There are a lot of great creative minds in the group, in all divisions, so please feel free to log in and listen, and bring friends.

Day: Saturday, October 26, 2013
Time: 6 PM SLT/ PDT

All avatars are welcome, although I suggest not rezzing in as a giant dragon.

Also, don't forget about the release party for "The Dragons' Beads: A Treasury" at 6 PM November 2nd at The Rose-Club and Lounge.

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