Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Thursday, February 9, 2023

When AI Art Becomes Exploitative and Unethical - interesting video

The above is an interesting video by Illiminaughtii discussing AI art, and also touches briefly on the uproar when Deviant Art included (all, originally) artists' work on the platform in the AI training set. Now, an artist has to opt-in to allow their work to be used by the training set, but at the start, it was all included by default. As an artist on Deviant Art, I was among the concerned and was relieved when they switched to being allowed the choice. However, there were many who deleted their work before that happened.

I believe it can be a useful tool, especially if the person continues to rework the piece created by whatever AI art bot they are using. However, it should be up to the artist as to if they allow their work to appear in the training set. There should also be some effort involved.

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