Selkies' Skins

Selkies' Skins
Current book in series Temple and Skinquest. Enjoy Castle and Well from Amazon, B&N and Smashwords while waiting for that and the prequel's audiobook "Pearls of Sea and Stone: Book of Seals".

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Stories of Spirits (audiobook) is starting to hit stores

Stories of Spirits is rolling out slowly, probably slowed down a bit by the holiday avalanche that hits every year that then has to be processed. This post may or may not see updates as I find it has gone live to different locations. In either case it will get listed in the backup tabs here on the blog as I wait to see when the edits I have been trying to make for the main site (the past two years now) will be able to be pushed live. I suspect that by that time I will already have a few things that will need updated yet again.

In any case...

Stories of Spirits has an audiobook version available (and rolling out) finally. These five short stories are written with a Japanese setting in mind and some of the stories include vocab words as one of the ideas of that project was to help introduce new words and concepts to my kids. Thus the language and structure is also simple. Most of them also happen to ping in on Amehana's childhood and incarnations into her kami self between lifetimes spent as human. She can be found banging about in Selkies' Skins, Dragon Shaman, and will slip in and out of the Shadow Chronicles as I get around to reconstructing those particular tales with Willow/Angelina and Flightessa with the overlapping worlds within the various series.

Stories of Spirits
Written and Narrated by Teresa Garcia

Five short stories of dragon spirits and ancestors, in a Japanese milieu. Some are set in ancient times, others are more modern. Each short story that has new vocabulary has a mini-glossary of Japanese terms that were utilized.

Dragon Dance
So Close, So Far
Dark and Light

Buy on Gumroad
Amazon (link pending) | Audible (link pending)
| iTunes (link pending) | Google Play

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